CAVUTO ON FOX News CHickens in your backyard

Here is my note....

>>>I'm hoping you get an avalanche of mail/email concerning this report. : )
'Backyard chickens' is a growing phenomenon in the U.S. There are several reasons for this....
1) Chickens are generally fun pets. They eat bugs as part of their upkeep and give tasty eggs. Chickens enjoy left over veggies which are not spoiled, yet are past their prime. Some chickens become quite attached to their owners, showing affection by following the owners about in the garden, hopping into their laps and 'purring' as only an hen can do. Another bonus is the great fertilizer for the compost which doesn't cost a dime.
2) Chickens don't need much room, they don't insist being taken for a walk twice a day, they won't bark at a skunk and be sprayed at 2am, and they won't insist on sleeping on the beds. Chickens will not kill the neighbor's cats/dogs, nor lie in wait for the finch at the bird feeder. They don't bark all night and awaken the next door baby.
They will sometimes kill mice, rats and snakes, however.
3) With the advent of the internet, individuals can see for themselves the deplorable conditions of the hens kept as egg machines. UTube has quite a few of these horrific videos. By owning a few hens, most owners feel that they are rescuing these animals from a wretched life.

Because the keeping of chickens *is* growing as are other aspects of becoming more in touch with one's food, cities should regulate the practice instead of trying to squelch it. Forcing this underground does no good. The debates concerning urban chickens should be rational and intelligent, instead of rhetorical and hysterical.

Carla Riggs
Pasadena Ca
I love Fox News Channel, but Cavuto is a meat head. I love my chickens, can his pet make breakfast for him?
I didn't realize how long my letter was, but here it is...

I'm sorry, I just don't agree with banning chickens anywhere. I was also shocked to read that chickens are attracting rats. Honestly I don't believe that that information is correct. Rats can be attracted to most anything, dog waste being one of their favorite "treats", so maybe Chicago should consider banning dogs? I have had chickens for years and have never had problems with rats or disease. How many pigeons does Chicago have? If rats were so attracted by chicken droppings wouldn't their such a huge rat population just feasting on all the pigeon feces?

Another issue I had with the article, is the statement about bird flu. Bird flu can only be contracted by a chicken from sharing a water source with an infected bird. I keep my waterer's, like most people in a secure area in my coop. So unless a wild bird (a Canadian goose is said to be the most likely carrier to the United states) got in my coop and and shared my birds water, they then could catch the bird flu. Very likely, I know, I'm shaking in my boots. So, now that my birds have the flu, I'm going to play in their manure and then eat a sandwich without washing my hands. That's the only way people who live in a country where hand sanitizer is no more then 5 feet away would catch the bird flu.

I like that birds are healthy and not crammed 4 to a tiny cage and then just thrown away when they slow in their egg production, like the hens that most people get their eggs from. Also there are many more reasons to keep chickens besides eggs. I keep mine because I enjoy them. Yes they give me eggs, but I also get great pleasure from watching their antics and raising chicks. I have many breeds and varieties, most aren't even bred for egg laying. Some of them have names and they all come when I call "Here, chickies!" I have one hen who enjoys sitting on my shoulder and many will eat from hands. They all have their own personalities and when I lose one to a predator or illness, I cry. They are my pets, not just a source for food.

Are the roosters noisy, sure they can be to some people, but my neighbors dog is much louder. I can certianly understand not wanting roosters, but the hens? Give me a break. Hens are quiet and no they don't smell in manner in which the people in Chicago wish to keep their birds. I've known one dog to be much smellier them my 40 birds.

I will hope in the future that more research is conducted. Perhaps you should check out BYC a website devoted to people who keep chickens not only in this country, but all over the world. With more then 5200 members, I'm sure that a few will be willing to help with the research for your next chicken article.

Thank you for your time
Backyard chicken keeper
Angie Clark
I am not sure wich way I would fall on this one. Isay that it should be allowed, but if there are chickens that are left in filth then the animal control should step in just like they do with any other animal. Do any of you remeber the sitcom Friends? You know the one were Joey and Chandler have a Duck and a Rooster. I would say that is great in the world of TV. But can you imagine having those birds full time in their Apartment? I know how hard it is to clean chicken and Duck Doo out of a coop. Now imagine your coop being your living room...I love chickens but I couldnt do it. Maybe thats the picture the news has on this situation. And ha, I need to say I know we are talking about two defferent cities.
I actually like Cavuto but..... he is wrong in this case! Here's my letter:


With a head that big I thought you would be smarter than this!

Your very negative report on keeping chickens in Chicago and stating that people are crazy for having chickens running around is absurd. You obviously haven't done your research. There are many reasons people keep chickens; as pets, for fun and even for the fresh eggs they provide.

I urge you to think outside the confines of your pre- conceived notions of "chicken people". There are people from many walks of life that love the antics and personality chickens bring as pets.

Take a look at if you dare to research a bit!

Zuni, VA
My email stated:
It is not crazy to own chickens.In town or any other place. Most chicken owners are like most dog owners. They care for and enjoy their animals. The one way they differ is that their animals provide eggs as well as entertainment. Oh yes and they dont bark at all hours, and (news flash) you dont need roosters to have eggs. Rats eat more dog and cat food than chicken feces I'll bet!! Do your homework!
Fair and balanced my behind! From a conservative in Texas.
Randy Guidry
I also sent him an email , here's what I wrote below:

Dear Neil, I thought your piece on the chickens in Chicago was interesting to say the least, although I disagree with your point of view. I live in a small town in Pennsylvania, I have 15 chickens, they are kept in a coop , they do not run loose, and they make next to No noise at all except for the rooster crowing once in awhile. Hens do not need Roosters to lay eggs , so the Rooster could go if he made to much noise and the neighbors complained. By the way my neighbors dog makes more noise than anything else in our town, and he even comes into the yard off and on which I don't appreciate. But , I'm think that maybe that would be a benefit to me if Gas prices continue to rise, and so do food costs. I always could have fresh dog for supper!! , Mark Peet
Wow, yall are awesome. Very good replys. I will watch tomorrow to see if they have any comebacks or just ignore us.

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