CAVUTO ON FOX News CHickens in your backyard

Oh boy, he's going to hear from me too. He doesn't give the girl a chance to speak. What a dork. What a closed minded newsperson he is. Oh wait, this is Fox News. I'm sending him a message alright.
Well I just sent my letter after watching that piece. What an educated report that was! I also included pictures from my christmas photo shoot of the chcikens so he can see what real pet chickens are.
can anyone tell me what time this show plays? I would love to watch his follow up as I'm sure he's been bombarded with letters and opinions!
These guys thrive on responses like this. Their job is to get people riled up. So they make inflammatory statements like "people who keep chickens are crazy" and get tons of irate calls and emails, which they use to show their boss how great they are at getting attention.

And then they say something else to annoy folks, which generates more emails/calls...

It's the way news works now, unfortunately. The goal is high ratings, or eyes on the advertisers. The goal is not to inform or educate. It's to sell time to advertisers, who don't care if the response is positive or negative, as long as people see the ads.

Which is why I get my news from the BBC. A lot less controversy-centric.
but the when the media does this people believe it.
so lets say the media creates a story and say that a baby died and the virus was linked to a pet chicken.

viewers believe it and then the ban starts.
Hey, can do that in MY state these days.
I sent him an email. Here is what I sent him, does it sound ok?

Dear Mr.Cavuto,
I am a chicken owner. I have 9 chickens, one of them being a rooster. My girls and boy are very sweet, do not smell, and are not loud. We have never gotten any complaints about any "noise" or "smell". I heard that you labeled chicken owners as "crazy". Well, we are not crazy! When some people think of chickens, they think of some kind of smelly,annoying,stupid bird. As a matter of fact chickens are very intelligent and very sweet. They also provide us eggs and meat. I dare you to go look in your pantry and look in the ingredients and see how many of them have eggs or chicken meat in them. I bet that there is quite a bit! If it wasn't for chickens all that food with eggs and chicken meat in them wouldn't be the same or wouldn't exist. I have a question for you. Dogs are clean as long as people take care of them, right? But dogs can get smelly if they are not taken care of, right? It is the same with chickens. If you take care of them, they are clean. If you don't, they can smell. Please think about what I said and see if you can get another opinion on chickens and their owners. Merry Christmas and God bless you.

Ashleigh C.

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