chat problem?

is it still a problem to get into chat, I get to the screen that tells you who is on but when I click to go into chat it gives me the same error still. just checking

PS I am having chat withdraw!!!!
what Browser do you use?

Internet Explorer 7.0

With my IE browser a little information bar pops up below where all the File and tools etc are saying blocked content or something... i right click it and say Display blocked content and it works...does urs do that?
OK... hmm.. i think mine might be IE 8 or something.... but i also use google chome..

sorry i couldnt help
This problem with chat has been going on for a week now, sure wish someone would get it straightened out, A lot of us bycers enjoy visiting in the chat room and are not sure we should because of the security issue. And alot of people use chat to get answers they need asap, and could mean life of death for their feathered friend. So please get chat fixed. Thank you
Honestly, it is out of our hands now. We pay a third party to host our chat and they aren't replying to our support requests. We've tried to contact them many times in a plethora of different ways.

Our options right now:

1) Keep this chat and hope that the support team over at that company will fix the problem
2) Look for a new chat provider / solution and begin work to integrate it into our user authentication system (not a quick or easy task).

Please know that we are actually working on both, but neither option is seeming to be a quick fix. Please be patient and know that chat could be fixed in a few days, but it also might take much longer.
for me it is a pure selfish want to feed the need of the chat with my fellow BYC'ers. I am having withdraw but am working through it by going to small animal sales and chatting through messages with my buddies. We know you are working on it Nifty and we will be there when it gets corrected.

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