(Check this out) 6 Rare Peacock Eggs For Sale On Ebay.

I just found out for sure who this guy is his name is Troy Vandenbosch he contacted me awhile back and wanted to buy eggs from me and other breeder he said he don't have any birds and wanting eggs to hatch out he email me ever week wanting to know if these birds are laying yet and I know why now he has been waiting on me to send eggs to ship to the winner of his auction I will not sell him any eggs so the one that bought eggs from him needs to contact ebay and try to get your money back to me this guy is nothing but a scammer.
I went onto ebay to get the link for you and I couldn't find it, the auction has been removed.

Doug said he emailed them and told them to take his picture off of ebay because all of his pictures are copyrighted.

Good glad they took them down! If you take a photo, they belong to you and automatically are copyrighted to you per se. If need be you can have them sent in to the govt (Library of Congress I think) to have it "official".
Yes same guy been trying to buy eggs from me...Wow he has already sold the eggs on presale.. lets see 3 days to get them shipped to him, another 3 day to the buyers....two trips thru the USPS........

will they eggs be fresh and hatch....NOT...

I will never sell him eggs for any price
There's going to be a lot of MAD
folks that spent a lot of money for eggs that they will not get, You know it's a shame people will do stuff like that to others.
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yep sure is, and seems to be happening more and more now a days. I cant say what I'd like to about them, yall can figure it out though I'm sure, as a few years back I was an eggbid victim of the NY guy, he did the exact same thing, bought eggs, had them shipped to him, then turn them around and reshipped to me, but we caught him on it!
I know it's a month after the fact but I just happened upon this thread. I had noticed this seller's posts on ebay and I'm SO glad to hear someone is calling them out! I knew something about the ad's seemed fishy to me but using another persons pics wasn't in my thought process!

The big red flag for me was the fact they were being sold pre-sale (maybe everyone else is cool with that part tho?). All I could think of is how can you even DO a pre-sale?! if the peahens aren't laying yet how do you know fertility and what if something happened to the birds before the eggs were laid? If recall I started seeing these ad's back in Feb. not to mention i don't recall seeing any kind of time frame on WHEN they would ship so it's possible they would not have shipped until after the 30 day window to leave feedback or request a refund from paypal. seemed like all the of risk was assumed on the buyer's part. I have seen pre-sale eggs before but the terms were very well laid out and the buyer knew exactly what to expect.

Also (and this may be the worst way to come to this conclusion) i try to judge the content of the ad against the bid price. If the ad seems short and without details a red flag always goes up. For instance, if I see a ad with two lines of info (including spelling mistakes--SPELL CHECK anyone?)and the asking price is more than shipping I tend to wonder about things. IMHO if you have stock that is fantastic you would WANT to elaborate and show recent pics of your OWN birds. I have yet to find a reputable breeder that DOESN'T want to talk about their birds!
How can you expect a potential customer to want to spend that kind of $$ and not provide details?

I know I keep a log of any BYC folks I hear of that sell on ebay under my favorite sellers, that way I have a pool of people i know I can look for on ebay and 'bid with confidence'.

Not peafowl related but I found out the hard way last fall there are also a LOT of um, shall we say 'not good quality' BCM breeders on ebay too. I could just
when i think of all the money spent on what were supposed to be 'quality' birds. D'OH!

I'm so happy BYC enhanced their BST system, I feel much more comfortable bidding on eggs here than I do there (not to say I don't trust ebay just prefer BYC).
That's very expensive. I was just looking online to buy a peacock and found some for only $9.95.. Problem though is that I have to buy minimum of 15
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I no this is way late on the subject but i remember seeing that on ebay, and first of all the picture he had was of the midnight silver pied, but he didn't even have midnight silver pied listed in his varieties raised section!!! And i knew that wasn't his bird because i was going to buy a midnight silver pied from Doug right before the UPA convention here in Colorado and that is the picture he emailed me when i asked him what it would look like, so i knew immediately it was from DM Farms.

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