Cheryl's Hen House...

I've spent the last 2 days reading this whole, what a journey! So much awesome information, a phenomenal coop/run, brilliant adaptations when needed, such heartbreak losing some of your girls, and now new additions... I'm so grateful to you for sharing your story with us. I hope this thread continues!
I've spent the last 2 days reading this whole, what a journey! So much awesome information, a phenomenal coop/run, brilliant adaptations when needed, such heartbreak losing some of your girls, and now new additions... I'm so grateful to you for sharing your story with us. I hope this thread continues!

Thank you. We will continue the thread.
I've spent the last 2 days reading this whole, what a journey! So much awesome information, a phenomenal coop/run, brilliant adaptations when needed, such heartbreak losing some of your girls, and now new additions... I'm so grateful to you for sharing your story with us. I hope this thread continues!

Thank you. We will continue the thread.

Yay! :jumpy
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The new babies are making themselves right at home. They looked a little bedraggled when I first got them home. We've had epic flooding here and they were a bit damp and crowded where they were plus the wind blown 30 mile ride home. The are all dry and preened and pretty now. They were all on the next to the top rung on the stripper pole again last night. I fear that they may think that is where they will always want to be but we'll cross that bridge when we fully integrate them with the existing flock. I also fear that one of the newbies is a cockerel but that's yet another bridge to cross later. Right now the only thing that matters to me is that they are happy and healthy and Cheryl is smiling. :D
Aw, that's too bad. I thought that might be the case, seeing as how you rehomed your last year's cockerels.

I don't think a rooster would be any louder than the old girls. Sheesh, they are obnoxiously loud. I worked in the garden all afternoon and it was nuts out there. :D
Quote: Haha...I Know,Right!!??
My group of pullets last year were crazy loud at point of lay...SMH.
I always laugh when folks think no cock/erels means their flock will be quiet and peaceful.
At least the girls aren't creating their cacophony when it's still dark out.

Hows the newbies getting along?

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