Cheryl's Hen House...

Hi Terry, nice to see an update. Yeah, chicken keeping has its ups and downs. Just this morning there was a ruckuis in the yard and I went out to investigate. I found one hen way up in a tree, and another one is missing with no sign of her. I suspect coyote, but hawk is also likely. Of course, it has to be one of the few hens that's been consistently laying this winter.

I'm glad your family is doing well. Hopefully this year's chickens will be successful. I've been quite happy with pullets I've found on Craigslist. I'm kind of picky, so I sift through a lot of ads and pick out the good hens from nice people. You can find some interesting breeds on there sometimes.

Hi Finnie! So good to hear from you. Bummer about your bird. There have certainly been some big highs and lows in our chicken keeping adventure. Around here I seem to see better looking birds on Facebook groups. We'll get more in a couple of months and continue on.
Hi Terry!

This thread has been a truly fantastic read! I found myself swept up by your open and genuine recounting of events, and feel like I got to experience the highs and lows right there with you and Cheryl. It is so heartwarming to witness your deep love and delight in your wife. I find it inspiring for the type of life partnership I hope to build in the future.

And if that wasn't enough for one thread to offer, I have learned so much from your detailing of your construction process and innovative coop/run ideas!
Thanks for all you add to our community :bow
Good morning! How are you? We're good just amazed that the older we get the less time we have. lol... Everyone kept telling me that once our kids were gone we were going to have all this extra time. Those people lied to me! :D
No kidding! I got way more done when the kids were young then I do now. I don't even know how I managed to raise 5 kids. I certainly couldn't do it now.
Will be picking up 6 Cinnamon Queen pullets this week. They are 8 months old. It's exciting to get some new ones to add to our 3. Hoping to find a few more soon!

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