chick days at TSC - what breeds normally?


11 Years
Jul 10, 2010
southern AL
I know it likely varies by area, but it seems the TSCs I'd been into have the same bin of pullets, but I can't recall what that bin usually contains.
Pretty sure that's the bin my orpingtons and barred rock came from when I picked them up a few years ago. I'm down to one chicken and need to get her a few friends this spring.

Just trying to get an idea if I want to consider TSC as a possible location for new chicks this spring.
Ours has the pullet bin, breed of the week (mixed gender) bin, bantams bin and meat bird bin.
Does anybody know what is normally in the pullet bin at TSC?
In the pullet bin in the three around my area there are most usually red sex links, then sometimes leghorns or tetra tints, and every once in a while something different like barred rocks, though the specific breeds are more often straight run. It's almost always red sex links in the pullet bin. That's in NY and VT though, yours might be different.
Ours mostly has sex links. I haven't gotten any from them since the one time, I had gotten bantam, some of those came down with Marecks and they were mostly roosters.
Your local TSC will have information from the hatchery that they use, and a list of available breeds. You could also call that hatchery for more information. You may be able to order birds from them to be delivered to the store, vaccinated, for you to pick up there. Mary
I know it likely varies by area, but it seems the TSCs I'd been into have the same bin of pullets, but I can't recall what that bin usually contains.
Pretty sure that's the bin my orpingtons and barred rock came from when I picked them up a few years ago. I'm down to one chicken and need to get her a few friends this spring.

Just trying to get an idea if I want to consider TSC as a possible location for new chicks this spring.
Ours has the pullet bin, breed of the week (mixed gender) bin, bantams bin and meat bird bin.
Does anybody know what is normally in the pullet bin at TSC?

Your local TSC will have information from the hatchery that they use, and a list of available breeds. You could also call that hatchery for more information. You may be able to order birds from them to be delivered to the store, vaccinated, for you to pick up there. Mary
The TSC in my area have several bins set up. They are labeled "Red layers" May contain (followed by a list) "White layers" May contain (followed by a list). These birds are all supposed to be pullets, but from what I hear, there are a lot of cockrels. A gal south of me stopped at her local TSC, and was going to bring home some PBR chicks from a labeled straight run pen. She looked into the bin, shook her head, laughed and came home empty handed b/c they were ALL males! So... my advice to you: Unless you know your breeds, know WHAT you want or are willing to have, buy elsewhere, where chicks are not tossed into a bin based solely on color. As far as ordering a specific breed from TSC, no deals to be had there, either: Yes, you can order from their limited choices, but you must order in increments of 25, and there is no guarantee once the birds leave the store. Better to deal straight from a hatchery. Because then, at least you are afforded a 48 hour replacement guarantee. Of course management may vary in other areas, and the TSC experience may be better in other areas.
I personally would not get chicks from TSC. Last time I did, 3/4 'sexed sex link pullets' were male. When I asked them about it (had they possibly mixed up the SL with the straight run RIRs? Could they take a look at the birds and give me a refund? Was there a place to return or take the unwanted and unexpected cockerels?) the manager refused to help me. All he said was 'We don't take roosters back, and we won't refund you the cost. I'm sorry.' So I asked again if he knew a place I could take three cockerels I had bought and raised as girls, and did not have room for. Same answer, only he tacked on an indefinite 'I think we are having a chicken swap in a couple of weeks.'.
Who would buy three rowdy mixed breed cockerels? (They were definitely not SLs... maybe hatchery quality RIRs). I have had a much better experience with a family owned feed store. Got some of the breeds I wanted for the same price, and all are healthy, beautiful girls.

The breeds TSC had that day were RIRs, 'Sex links', Pekan ducks, Leghorns, and popular mixed bantams. Out of the bantams I got a standard EE roo and an (uncommon, only-three-or-four-reviews on BYC) Dark Cornish bantam. I only buy feed from TSC.
Our SE Michigan TSC stores get their chicks from Townline, and they tend to get mixed up in the bins at the store. Also, their 'sexed pullets' are more like 'straight run' instead. It can work out, if you need a small number of birds of varieties available, and if getting cockrels won't be much of a problem for you. By far most of my chicks come from either MMcM or Cackle, or are bred on my farm. Mary
It’s not by area, each Tractor Supply store in that area is managed by different people. They can use different hatcheries. One year mine used McMurray. Last year it was Privett. Different managers manage differently. Some will let you special order and get specific marked chicks as part of their overall order. That can be a good way to get what you want and avoid minimum orders. Mine does not do that. They will special order a minimum of 25 and have them delivered to the post office for you. Not a lot of help. You have to talk to the manager ordering them to see what they will do. It does not work to just talk to any employee there. You can get different stories from different people. The manager that manages the program is the only one that actually knows what is going on.

Some employees know about chickens and some don’t. It’s very easy for someone totally unfamiliar with chickens and chicks to unload them into the wrong bin. One huge improvement I’ve seen in mine the last few years is that they now fence off the area so the customers can’t pick chicks up and them put them back in the wrong bin. That helps with biosecurity too.

Some people are fairly good at avoiding picking cockerels. It’s very hard to sex most chicks at hatch, but a few cockerels have certain tendencies. They may have heavier legs, a more upright posture, or be more curious. The ones that come out to greet you, show more curiosity, and have more personality are more likely to be cockerels. This is only a few of the cockerels, certainly not most of them. It’s not that pullets look like pullets, but if someone picks through them and gets the ones least likely to be cockerels the ones left are more likely to be cockerels. Your odds just aren’t that good, especially if you like the ones with personality.

Now my funny story. Last year my TSC had a bin labelled ISA Browns. These are hybrid red sex link commercial layers. The hens are pure egg laying machines. The roosters are pretty scrawny and not worth much to eat. They did not know that they were sex links. They were selling them straight run. When I saw them they had two female red chicks left and three to four dozen yellow males. I don’t think the manager there understands much about chicks or chickens. The bins are kept clean and with fresh food and water. I’ll give them that much.

Now to answer the original question. My local TSC normally has one bin of ducks, one of bantams, one of meat birds, and three bins of regular birds. These thee bins can be labelled differently and that can change as they get different shipments in. One time one was labeled Isa Browns. Other times there might be a red chicks label. Occasionally there will be a pullets label, usually not all red but that varies. I have seen a bin labeled leghorns. Sometimes I see a bin not labeled. That looks like a straight run dual purpose bin to me but that is a guess. There can be other labels. It varies week by week.
The more I read about TSC, the more I appreciate my local Grange Co-op
. Clear labels, sexed pullets for the most part (except bantams, Polish and meaties), good variety of breeds, knowledgeable staff available, and the bins are covered and monitored, kiddos are not allowed to play mix and match with the chicks. If I were you and had any other option, I'd avoid TSC until they improve their customer service.

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