Chick eating bedding

Dr Evy

Bird Nerd
Premium Feather Member
Apr 12, 2021
I have one chick and he’s been eating a lot of bedding lately. I mean not a ton but quite a bit. When I first switched him to bedding I thought he would try a few and then realize they weren’t food and stop but every time he eats he picks up three or four medium sized pieces and eats them. I know chickens need grit but I didn’t think he would need any until he moved outside so I don’t have any. How can I give him some? He’s a poorly little thing so I want to make sure I’m doing everything right.
Also he only lives alone because he has a leg problem and the other chicks trampled him. They all went to the farm today too so now I have just him.
Thanks in advance!
Chicks are instinctively searching for grit from the time they hatch. In the absence of grit, they will happily pick up anything they find on the floor of the brooder. As long as the chick is not having trouble with getting water from its drinking source, it will be fine.

You can sift some sand size gravel from your dry soil and if it has sharp edges, it can be give to the chick as grit.
He doesn't need grit but it could still benefit him even if he is small. I have raised chicks with no grit but I have read that it still helps their digestion. The trick is getting small enough grit, I've since found sources (comes in 25Kg size.....) for just one single chick that might be overkill but the big bag is only stones so very cheap and needed for the rest of the flock anyway. He will most likely be bored and thus more likely to pick up bad habits.
If you want to get some grit you can collect pebbles from somewhere like a river, ebout the size of the chick's eye or smaller. Somewhere not too dirty but still wash them first, then add crushed egg shell and you'll have some home-made grit.
I keep my chicks with no bedding for this reason. Just newspaper. It's so simple. Add some kitchen paper to absorb the poo if you want and it might look messier but it's just easier.
If you want to get some grit you can collect pebbles from somewhere like a river, ebout the size of the chick's eye or smaller. Somewhere not too dirty but still wash them first, then add crushed egg shell and you'll have some home-made grit.
It's a terminology thing, but in the US "grit" is the same as insoluble grit in UK. Chicks should NOT be given soluble grit (egg shells) as that's for calcium for active layers - and soluble grit is NOT hard enough to aid in digestion.

Also the size of grit you're suggesting is closer to pullet/grower size than chick size.

But what you (OP) can do is if you have larger grit, or even gravel, use a sieve to sift out smaller pieces that fall into the size range listed above.

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