Chick Name Competition

Here are my chickens’ names:
Cholla, Vera, Lantana, Dorothy (ISA Browns), Jenny (Buff bantam Cochin), Ruby, Topaz, Garnet (Rhode Island Reds), Tucson, Fayed, Holly (White Leghorns), Onyx, Obsidian, Ebony (Barred Rocks), and Liberty (Americana).

Chickens I have had names for: Romeo (Buff Orp roo), Heihei (Gold laced bantam Cochin roo), Minibar (Barred bantam Cochin roo), S’more (RIR roo), Juliette (Buff Orp), Blanca (WL), Wheelbarrow and Marigold (RIR), Chicken Nugget and Kitten Finnigan or Henrietta (ISA Browns), Estrella and Jemima (Black Australorps).

Ducks: Sunshine (Sunny) the Pekin and Da Vinci the White Crested.

I’ll try to think of some more later!

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