Chick Pics.. I love Genetics!


13 Years
Jan 11, 2007
Blue Ridge, VA
I hatched 5 eggs out of one of my favorite hens, she is a Marans x EE, but looks just like a cuckoo EE (muffed/bearded). She is in with a Blue Wheaton Ameraucana rooster.

All 5 chicks look different! I have one that looks cuckoo, one that is blue, one that is chipmunk striped, one that looks wheaton and one that is white-ish looking with a few black specks on it.

Here are some pictures of the 5 of them.

Also, here is a pic of a chick out of my Turken hen and a Blue Wheaton Ameraucana rooster.

And a picture of some of my 2 and half week old blue and splash standard cochins.

I just love chick pics!! They are very cute! I love the different ones by the same mama. I can't wait to see how they look when they get older. Just posting pics!!
I have a Red Star that I hatched eggs from. I ended up w/ a splash hen, three all white ones, two blacks, and one grey. No of them were red. She was with three different roos...a White Langshan, Blue Andalusian, & Buttercup. It's very interesting I think too! Good luck w/ them.

~Feather Dust

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