Chicken attacked by raccoon, shock (warning graphic pictures)

From the attack last Friday, my hen, Spots, is doing so well. I have been syringe feeding her antibiotics as well wet food. I did this morning, and she is not liking it when I do it. Well, I went in recently to do it again. She pranced all over, like look at me I am doing well. She then went to her regular water dish and kept drinking over and over than looking at me like leave me alone, I am drinking. She is communicating with me. She has done this for years. Telling me to leave her alone. When she was being brooder, I put two baby chickens under her. She was the best mom, and when they got older, she jumped up and down continually trying to tell me she wanted the babies on the ground. I moved the whole set up to ground level. In a chicken way of communicating is very interesting and love it. She is so smart reaching out to tell me how she is doing. I can tell she is also feeding on the wet feed, as all over her beak. Not sure if this makes sense to the general but she is extremely smart and has learned to communicate. This is why I just love this chicken as she is so different and will go the extra effort to communicate. Just not use to this with all my other chickens as they are only treat driven.
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Today, she seems to have energy, and fights me with the syringe feeding of antibiotics. She is showing a lot of energy, as well walking and flapping her wings. Her head still looks bad, but I am guessing by the extent of damage will take a long time to heal. She does shake her head on occasion. Assume this is caused by the blood is drying out and must feel weird to her. I don't see any brain damage at this point. She is very clear eyed but does sleep a lot when not bothered. I also want to note, she starting to itch under her beak, like a dog itch their chins. Never seen a chicken do this before. Her tail is high up, which is a good sign. I know I need to wash the blood off her, that will help with her itching for her feel better but really waiting until I feel she is ready. she has some feathers very thick in dried blood which I think is causing some discomfort for her. Trying to come up with a plan on cleaning her up better. Possible soupy water with a sponge. I just think I should give another week and not cause to much stress on her.
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She may be itchy.
If there's clumpy blood in feathers, then Peroxide will help dissolve it (blood) and make it easier to wipe out. I'd just take care not to get much Peroxide on the wounds. While it won't hurt as a one time thing on wounds, repeated use can slow the healing process.

Itchy under the beak is interesting. She may have a tiny scab/injury under there, but I'd take a look to see what may be causing the irritation.

Glad to hear she's up and walking about.
I went ahead and did the hydroperoxide rinse on her. I also held her close to me, so I got wet as well. She very cuddly which helped. I rinsed her than followed up with a soft rag to wipe feathers. There was a feather in blood below her beak which came off quickly. I reviewed her body. Below her head down her back, was missing feathers but no injury noticed, just missing feathers. Her chest was also expected. Same thing no blood or injury just missing feathers, appear was torn out, but left no injury. That is why she looks funny as one side is great the other side lost feathers, but no skin damage. I was surprised how cuddly she was. Kind of concern me. I also syringe fed her again, with antibiotic water and watered-down food. She might be reaction of being isolated, trying to see why she isn't being feisty today, as she was yesterday. I think I got most blood off her feathers below her neck and hopefully will give her some relief. I put further ointment treatment on her head and new areas that needed it after cleaning her up.
I noticed today she is drinking and eating hard form of food now. Did actually catch her doing this yawning thing. Might because she is eating hard food again. I did put the pebbles and oyster shell in there for her. Hope this only she is getting use to eating hard food versus watered down food. As she hasn't eaten this food for a while. She also ate some strawberries as a treat. I will try to take a picture so you can see how she is looking. Lots of energy now as walking around all day and just roosting at night. The cleaning of her feathers really helped her not shaking her head or itching.
I just saw her eating grit and pruning her feathers. Yeah! We still have a long time for her head to heal. Planning keeping her in rehab room for a while. I don't want the other chickens to peck at her. She was the alpha so hoping she will continue this roll when better. I don't have a rooster. We will see in the long term. She must have fought awful hard to get away from this coon and save the other two chickens.
I am so invested in updates on your baby. So awesome you are putting so much effort into saving her. I have one chicken that I seriously am SO stressed to let forage because I would be devastated if something happens to her. Please keep us updated. i am so happy for you that you trusted your gut and gave her the chance to feel better and heal.

Here is the latest picture of Spots healing process so far. As you can see her wattle, the color is good, her other one is gone as well her crown.

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