Chicken Breed Focus - Ayam Cemani

He got them directly from her.

EDIT: I know this because I've had direct dealings with her when I was buying my Phoenix from him. They know each other, are very close friends.

That's odd, then. I know she sold off her AC flock years ago (that's what she told me when I asked to buy some from her years ago, at least) so he must have had his for years now. Maybe he bred away from the type of my rooster and towards the type of the one you have. Or maybe he has multiple lines and one slipped its pen. Or again it could be a mutation that has just shown up (the earlobe thing, not the type). If he really got them directly from her then they are pure.

That doesn't mean they should be bred, though. I get some from my birds that are pure that shouldn't be bred. I personally wouldn't breed that rooster just because I don't know how hard it would be to eradicate the wrong ear lobe color down the line. Maybe easy, maybe hard, but I wouldn't mess with it. But then I have a lot of stock to choose from (usually, stupid neighbors and their turkeys) and it sounds like you just have the one rooster, so you may not have a choice.
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Figured I'd share a couple of mine... hatched from cjwaldon's flock... :)



Amazing temperaments... love watching how different their flock dynamics are...
I have six eggs coming from cjwaldon if this breed
I'm not sure if this has been asked before, but at what age can you tell the real quality of the chicks? I've read mixed messages about chicks darkening as they age, but not sure if this is true or by how much. I have 5 that are all nice and black but a few have a couple white toes or nails and I have one with a light beak tip.
I'm not sure if this has been asked before, but at what age can you tell the real quality of the chicks? I've read mixed messages about chicks darkening as they age, but not sure if this is true or by how much. I have 5 that are all nice and black but a few have a couple white toes or nails and I have one with a light beak tip.

Some do darken, some don't... best thing is to grow them out completely before making any permanent decisions... light toes/mouth, leakage and fibro you want to recheck after juvenile molt...

How old are yours now?
Oh, mine are only about 2weeks old some are probably closer to 3weeks old. They are still babies, but I just wanted to know about what time I really should start looking. Thank you for the quick response!

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