Chicken Breed Focus - Sussex


I've hatched three lots of Light Sussex chicks before. Always had good hatch rates and few problems with this breed following standard hatching procedures. (37.5°C, 40% RH -> 60% RH for lockdown).

The breed is a good utility bird: the girls lay quite a lot of eggs while the boys make tasty dinner. In addition, they're also very friendly and easy to handle compared to light breeds. This does mean that they end up bottom of the pecking order when kept with purpose-bred egglayers (brown hens), but they don't seem to object to that. When time comes to making new additions, it's very easy to introduce new birds to the Light Sussex hens. They do prefer to free range, but are also reasonably good in a run because of their placid nature. They do benefit from having plenty of space, mostly due to their size rather than activity level.

Photos here (goes to my Flickr account search results)
Videos here (goes to my YouTube account, don't think I can limit it to Light Sussex only)

The videos have some good views of feathering as it develops.
As of six hours ago, I have 15 bantam Speckled Sussex hatching eggs in the incubator. The bid was for 10+, the seller shipped 16, and one was broken in transit. Not bad, I think. I've heard many disparaging accounts of shipped hatching eggs, it's my first attempt at doing this, and I'm working with an old Hova-bator. The odds are not in my favor . . . Nonetheless, I shall do my best. I have been literally hovering over my incubator, a hand-me-down, for four days now, watching the thermometer within reach its maximum and minimum over and over and over, until the thermometer measured with the bulb at the top of the eggs varied between 98.8 and 101 (maybe 101.1). I can see why people's results vary widely with these things.

The article on the day-by-day development of the chick embryo is absolutely wonderful. I will certainly be candling by day 4 or 5 to see if there is any development happening.
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As of six hours ago, I have 15 bantam Speckled Sussex hatching eggs in the incubator. The bid was for 10+, the seller shipped 16, and one was broken in transit. Not bad, I think. I've heard many disparaging accounts of shipped hatching eggs, it's my first attempt at doing this, and I'm working with an old Hova-bator. The odds are not in my favor . . . Nonetheless, I shall do my best. I have been literally hovering over my incubator, a hand-me-down, for four days now, watching the thermometer within reach its maximum and minimum over and over and over, until the thermometer measured with the bulb at the top of the eggs varied between 98.8 and 101 (maybe 101.1). I can see why people's results vary widely with these things.

The article on the day-by-day development of the chick embryo is absolutely wonderful. I will certainly be candling by day 4 or 5 to see if there is any development happening.
Welcome to the very addictive world of hatching. My chicks are due Sat morning, but I already have 6 fluffy chicks in the brooder, & 3 damp ones inside the incubator. 7 more to go; 3 of them have pips.

In addition I set some quail eggs which should also hatch tomorrow.

So, yes I can understand what you're going through. We've been glued to the incubator, but it's now time for sleep.
Welcome to the very addictive world of hatching. My chicks are due Sat morning, but I already have 6 fluffy chicks in the brooder, & 3 damp ones inside the incubator. 7 more to go; 3 of them have pips.

In addition I set some quail eggs which should also hatch tomorrow.

So, yes I can understand what you're going through. We've been glued to the incubator, but it's now time for sleep.

I'm trying not to get too excited. I've worked so hard at getting this incubator thing where everyone says it should be, that I have hope for at least some success . . .

And if I am successful, it may be worse than if I am not. I will want more . . . and more .
Eggsakly. Please keep us posted. I am hoping to have enough of a flock of bantams speckleds to start selling next year. Bill
Hi, Bill. I will let you know how it goes. One day down, 20 to go.

Do you already have the Speckled bantams? How do you like them?

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