Chicken dying will be putting down soon...very sad

Pets give unconditional love. They are always happy to see you, always have time for you, are easy to talk to and don't ever judge. That's what makes it so hard when they pass.
An updated diagnoses is internal laying. She's going in for surgery tomorrow to clean out the excess fluid and remove her ovary. The vet feels very confident that she will pull through the surgery very well. (He's treated a lot of avians.) She's done very well on the antibiotics, lost most of the excess fluid, poops returned to normal, comb and crop improved quite a bit. However, she has lost quite a bit of muscle mass and goes through boughts of extreme exhaustion.

Has anyone had a hen go through a similar surgery? Was it successful?
An updated diagnoses is internal laying. She's going in for surgery tomorrow to clean out the excess fluid and remove her ovary. The vet feels very confident that she will pull through the surgery very well. (He's treated a lot of avians.) She's done very well on the antibiotics, lost most of the excess fluid, poops returned to normal, comb and crop improved quite a bit. However, she has lost quite a bit of muscle mass and goes through boughts of extreme exhaustion.

Has anyone had a hen go through a similar surgery? Was it successful?
I have not had one to have that surgery. I wish you and your hen well! :hugs Keep us posted!
$700-900 range
She has days were she is very energetic, running around and eating. Friday and Saturday , she was pretty much back to normal. Today she is very quiet and sleeping. Her crop is also slow today, too. This has been going on like this for several weeks.
I'm not sure if this is the right thread. Sorry if it's posted in the wrong spot.

I have a beautiful and sweet RIR that is showing all the signs of ovarian cancer. There is no point in prolonging her suffering. The earliest I can take her in is Tuesday, so at least I have the weekend to say goodbye.
She's not quite 3, which makes it all the more difficult. I feel like I barely got to know her and thought I would have had her for a few more years. My poor chicky chick. I already miss her.
I can totally understand. I had to put down my sweetest hen yesterday for internal laying issues. She was only 15 months old. I’m still coming to terms with it all.
What made you finally make the decision to put her down? Was she acting a certain way? Weight loss? Nothing could be done?

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