CHICKEN / FOWL NAMES! To Name or Not to Name? Do You Name Yours? W/ Sally Sunshine & BantyChooks

This is Barney, named after Barney Fife becuase as a teenager he was such a dork, he'd trip over his own two feet
so my sister named him Barney, he's a very good boy, he chesed off a fox when he was about 5 months old, he was trying to save one of our ducks. He's not quite as dorky now as he used to be but he is a sweetheart, he actually patrols the outside of our freerange area everyday.

Love Him!!!
We've named all of ours. We were planning on eating them, They are family now. We have also stopped eating chicken altogether. Our names are as follows:

Barbara Starr -- black australorp

We named her after the CNN reporter. Barbara Starr is sweet, broody and a great mom.

Peepers -- black australorp hybrid

Peepers is Barbara's adopted daughter, she's a peeper, hence the name

Henrietta -- rhode island red

Henny for short. She used to be mean, but shes mellowed out. Very talkative.

Bock Bock the Barred Rock -- barred rock

Sweet with a high pitched voice. Very pretty girl. We call her "badass" sometimes

Edith -- ameraucana hybrid

A beautiful bird, we love the beard! Slightly skittish, but a great layer. Blue eggs!

Bad Edith -- ameraucana hybrid

Another beautiful bird, even more skittish than the other Edith, shes not bad at all, the name just stuck.

Baby Boy -- sicillian buttercup

Our rooster, he's huge. The girls used to pick on him... Not anymore! We thought he was a hen for awhile. We had to change his name from Baby Bird to Baby Boy. Ha!

Happy chickening everyone!
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"We were planning on eating them, They are family now."

That line is awesome and really touched me!

I am probably not going to be able to explain it well enough in type but that pretty much sums up what wonderful creatures these feathered friends of ours are and what great chickenalities they have.
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We've named all of ours. We were planning on eating them, They are family now. We have also stopped eating chicken altogether. Our names are as follows:

Barbara Starr -- black australorp

We named her after the CNN reporter. Barbara Starr is sweet, broody and a great mom.

Peepers -- black australorp hybrid

Peepers is Barbara's adopted daughter, she's a peeper, hence the name

Henrietta -- rhode island red

Henny for short. She used to be mean, but shes mellowed out. Very talkative.

Bock Bock the Barred Rock -- barred rock

Sweet with a high pitched voice. Very pretty girl. We call her "badass" sometimes

Edith -- ameraucana hybrid

A beautiful bird, we love the beard! Slightly skittish, but a great layer. Blue eggs!

Bad Edith -- ameraucana hybrid

Another beautiful bird, even more skittish than the other Edith, shes not bad at all, the name just stuck.

Baby Boy -- sicillian buttercup

Our rooster, he's huge. The girls used to pick on him... Not anymore! We thought he was a hen for awhile. We had to change his name from Baby Bird to Baby Boy. Ha!

Happy chickening everyone!

Bad Edith!!! ha ha ha love it!!

the is my first year with chickens and I have only 7 girls. They are all named after plants.

Ginger - Easter Egger
Pumpkin - Easter Egger
Sweet Pea - Barred Rock

Bells of Ireland (we call her Bells or Shamu because she jumps for her food) - Barred Rock

Daisy - Australorp

Lily - Buff Orpington

Rosemary "Rosie" - Buff Orpington

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