CHICKEN / FOWL NAMES! To Name or Not to Name? Do You Name Yours? W/ Sally Sunshine & BantyChooks

Rodrigo, Alejandro and Jose. My latest birds to get names.
Me, me me!!!!!

I'm still catching up with the read back for this thread, but I'll share. I do name my chickens, but it's more of what name fits them (sort of like naming a cat), and they remain unnamed until I find one that seems to fit.

Here are the boys (all more likely to have names than the girls):

Dumbledore (who came to me already named) - also goes by Captain America, because of his heroics saving the entire flock from a pair of terriers and almost dying in the process.

Severus Snape (previously known as Bane, and before that, Mr. Smith - went through a number of intimidating character names since he wins ALL staring contests, this fits best, because he's a good boy under it all)

Goodwin (after a variety of lavender, since he's a Lavender Ameraucana - he did briefly go by Robert E, for Robert E Lee, because of the beard, but it didn't fit him)

Tank (who was built like a Tank from the age of 2 weeks)

Chunky Monkey (a splash copper marans)

The three New Hampshire boys, who got their names form their leg band colors -

Grey leg band = Earl (Grey), who I seem to have started sometimes calling Duke (of Earl...)

Black leg band = Joe Black, who is a goofball, and is now called JoJo.

Blue leg band = Boy Blue, or Blue (not happy with this name, his true name will likely reveal itself soon - I'm going to try Miles out, after Miles Davis)

(edit - sorry, I hit submit too soon...)

- Ant Farm
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