CHICKEN / FOWL NAMES! To Name or Not to Name? Do You Name Yours? W/ Sally Sunshine & BantyChooks

This is Puppy. She lives up to her name, which she earned at only a few days old - she would come running up to the edge of the brooder and would cock her head at me, wanting to jump into my hand. She's one of a batch of Naked Neck chicks I got from Ideal that were hands down the friendliest, most fearless chicks ever.

She doesn't really understand boundaries when it comes to nest boxes...

- Ant Farm
Leg bands - I use the colored, numbered zip tie ones you can get from Strombergs. Many will be culled, will be selective about keeping those who make the cut for breeding, so decided against wing bands this time around, though I'd like to go ahead and figure out how to use them...

All of my chicks have numbers, until they "reveal" their names (many times cockerels don't get names until they've been selected as keepers). Weights and records are kept that way. Tank was #11. Snape was #16. Puppy was #5. The numbers are almost as good as names when you learn to associate sweet behavior with them...

- Ant Farm
Me, me me!!!!!

I'm still catching up with the read back for this thread, but I'll share. I do name my chickens, but it's more of what name fits them (sort of like naming a cat), and they remain unnamed until I find one that seems to fit.

Here are the boys (all more likely to have names than the girls):

Dumbledore (who came to me already named) - also goes by Captain America, because of his heroics saving the entire flock from a pair of terriers and almost dying in the process.

Severus Snape (previously known as Bane, and before that, Mr. Smith - went through a number of intimidating character names since he wins ALL staring contests, this fits best, because he's a good boy under it all)

Goodwin (after a variety of lavender, since he's a Lavender Ameraucana - he did briefly go by Robert E, for Robert E Lee, because of the beard, but it didn't fit him)

Tank (who was built like a Tank from the age of 2 weeks)

Chunky Monkey (a splash copper marans)

The three New Hampshire boys, who got their names form their leg band colors -

Grey leg band = Earl (Grey), who I seem to have started sometimes calling Duke (of Earl...)

Black leg band = Joe Black, who is a goofball, and is now called JoJo.

Blue leg band = Boy Blue, or Blue (not happy with this name, his true name will likely reveal itself soon - I'm going to try Miles out, after Miles Davis)

(edit - sorry, I hit submit too soon...)

- Ant Farm
you already know I am in love with your flock!!!
This is Puppy. She lives up to her name, which she earned at only a few days old - she would come running up to the edge of the brooder and would cock her head at me, wanting to jump into my hand. She's one of a batch of Naked Neck chicks I got from Ideal that were hands down the friendliest, most fearless chicks ever.

She doesn't really understand boundaries when it comes to nest boxes...

- Ant Farm
needs a quote!!!
RIP Kristy

Sally, I finally caught her outside just two days before she died.
To answer your questions, no my days start at 4:30 not three. I work at least sixty hours or a bit more a week just at work
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