CHICKEN / FOWL NAMES! To Name or Not to Name? Do You Name Yours? W/ Sally Sunshine & BantyChooks

My German New Hampshire girls are named after The Golden Girls - Blanche, Rose, and Dorothy (who also goes by Maude when she's being a pain). Dorothy/Maude spent a significant period trying to sleep in the red oak tree every night. I ended up cutting the low-handing branch.
(She was rather indignant and would just stare up at the tree as if to gauge if she could get to the next higher branch...) They're with Tank now - I can't wait to see their babies!


Dorothy (Maude)

(Rose was shy on photo day)

The girls with Tank:

- Ant Farm
Speckled Sussex-BONNIE
Mutt Bantam-ALICE
Blue Orpington/Brahma-SYLVIA
Buff Orpington-DING- DONG
Lavender Splash Orpington-PEARL
Blue Orpington-LORNA
Danish Brown Leghorn-MERTLE
Brahma/Ameruacana Rooster-LESTER.....

Crazy Birds...


Hey there!!! hows the funny farm? how much snow you all get so far?
ding dong lol how did you come up with that!
My German New Hampshire girls are named after The Golden Girls - Blanche, Rose, and Dorothy (who also goes by Maude when she's being a pain). Dorothy/Maude spent a significant period trying to sleep in the red oak tree every night. I ended up cutting the low-handing branch.
(She was rather indignant and would just stare up at the tree as if to gauge if she could get to the next higher branch...) They're with Tank now - I can't wait to see their babies!


Dorothy (Maude)

(Rose was shy on photo day)

The girls with Tank:

- Ant Farm
awwww and ok mine starts at 5 but I push snooze a few times lol.   do you have trouble getting yourself to bed at a good time too?
Normally I do have trouble getting to bed, but this time of year sometimes my body and the fire win if I sit down in my recliner to eat at 8:30-9. The next thing I know usually is my cat walking on my chest to wake me between eleven thirty and twelve to go to bed for a few more hours. Most nights I try be 10-10:30 which is not enough, but there are not enough hours in a day as I am sure you know.

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