Chicken myths and old wives' tales, please!

I was always told to set eggs early in the a.m...because I would get more pullets, if I set the hen at night, I'd get mostly boys...well I tried it..and the first time I set the hen with 15 eggs and 21 days later she hatched out 16 they got older I realized I had 13 roosters.
Bah! Think this one through... ask them if you need a man around to get yer period...
D'Angelo N Va. :

I was always told to set eggs early in the a.m...because I would get more pullets, if I set the hen at night, I'd get mostly boys...well I tried it..and the first time I set the hen with 15 eggs and 21 days later she hatched out 16 they got older I realized I had 13 roosters.

Maybe that one's true and you just got it turned around? Set for girls late and boys early?
Once had to explain to - of all people! - my MOM why we don't need a rooster for the hens to lay. I also had to explain how the eggs were fertilized. She apparently thought that they were somehow fertilized after they had been laid.

Needless to say, it took some time for me to compose myself to explain it.
I think she did.

My sister remains adamant that feeding your chickens strawberries will get you pinkish yolks with a strawberry taste. I'm not sure how to respond to that:

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