Chicken Parmigiana (or parmesian) with Photos

Miss Prissy never ceases to amaze me. For the longest time I thought she was a "grandmother-ly" type and age. I am still in shock that she is a sweet young thing and so accomplished in so many varied ways! She is my idol!!
I noticed the butter churn and the rooster and how clean your stove top is.
That was all noticed after I stopped drooling over the cake and the dinner and the salad and oh my gosh that wine looks so good.

I have everything to make that for dinner tonight except my chicken is store bought and so are my eggs. I don't belong to Costco to get one of those cakes, but I have a really good chocolate mayonais cake recipe that I might make.

Thank you for taking the time to show us how you did it and taking pictures of each step.
For the record I am 41. My oldest daughter is 20 (21 in May). My middle daughter is 10. My baby boy is 2 next week. I have a step daughter 12 (13 in April). I was surrogate and he was 13 this past week.

I married the first time at 19. It lasted 14 yrs before I threw in the towel and stopped trying and taking responsibility for EVERYTHING.

I am currently (and for the last time in my life) married to a geek I met in chat on the internet (We met after I was divorced for those who might speculate). We will have been married 4 yrs this July.

Until I moved to No. Va. for a year I had never lived any place but on the family farm. I read alot. History is my hobby. But not just dates and places and facts about people. I study women's roles through the ages.

There is a lot to learn from women who lived centuries before us.

You can do anything you set your mind to.

I am living proof of this.

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Some very sweet people thought I might be offended by the conversation in this post. I am in no way offended. I thought it was quite funny!
I get up any time between 3:30 and 6am. I set the coffee pot up the night before and just have to hit the switch when I walk by on my way to add wood to the stove. Then I add wood to the fire in the livingroom to start getting the house up to temp before I have to wake my daughter for school.

While I have that much needed quiet time I sip my coffee and surf here. Some mornings I may also throw in a load of laundry. I get breakfast for my dau and get her to school by 8am. My oldest dau and my son are usually still sleeping up to that point. When my little one is up I get him fed and changed. My older daughter (soon to be 21) helps me run through the general rooms and does a quick pick up/clean up. We work together. Unload the dishwasher from the night before, clean up from breakfast, vaccuum the livingroom and gather laundry. She keep an eye on my little one and I go out to the barn and do the morning chores. While my son plays with his trains and tractors I might crochet or start the things that need to long slow cook for supper or work on laundry, sometimes I make soap or do other stuff. At noon I get them lunch, pack dau a supper plate to take to work with her (she works as a phlebotomist at the hosp and attends college), clean the kitchen again. Once she is gone, I settle down with a book and my son and he drifts off to a nice nap of hopefully 2 - 3 hours. At 3:30 my 10 yr old is home. I get her and the baby a snack and they settle in and do whatever in the livingroom. I run out about 4:30 or 5 and run through my evening barn chores. I come back and finish supper while the 10 yr old does homework. I pop in chat between cooking and helping with homework and putting together train tracks.

If you set your mind to it you can get alot done in a day and still have lots of free time.

One thing I try to do that is a HUGE load off my back - always clean the kitchen and turn on the dishwasher before going to bed. Never wake up to dirty dishes! It starts the day off on the wrong foot. Once everyone has bathed and pajama'd themselves if I have enough for a load I throw a load into the washer then too. The next morning I just have to get in the dryer - while I drink my coffee and have some quiet time!

Summer months are more busy. With daylight coming at 6 am or so I can be out and get the barn chores done and some gardening done before 8am! I usually water before I go out, say at 5am turn on the sprinklers for the garden and let them run about 20 - 30 min. This softens the ground and makes it easy to run through with my tiny little tiller my husband got me for my birthday last year and get those pesky weeds out!

Most days I do get alot done. Some days I don't have much of anything to do besides my barn chores and making sure people eat. It also helps to cook enough so that you can have leftovers. If I do a pork roast on monday I plan for bbq sandwiches or something simple for Wednesday. The hard part is done. Or I freeze it and have a handy quick meal that just needs to thaw and be heated before serving.

I am a multitasker too.

I usually have 2 or 3 crochet things going at once. I have 4 books in different stages of reading. I have some sewing projects almost done. I also have a quilt that needs 1 seam and binding to be finished.

Busy busy busy!

It pays you to organize! Once you get things going you'll be amazed at the free time you'll have on your hands!

Oh, one more thing. I go to bed about 9:30 sometimes later. Depends on my mood and what is swirling in my mind that I want to get done.

edited for those pesky typos!
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Thanks for sharing your day MissPrissy! You are an inspiration! I stay at home with my 4 DD and we homeschool as well. I need to log off now, laundry to do, something yummy to start in the crock, and oh ya, math in 4 different grade levels to figure out! A mom's work never ceases, even after they leave home, from what I heard. Not all of us have our chores so organized, but just to encourage you all, 1 thing at a time. Start with what frustrates you most, and do that. Lists work for some, and children can (and should) be taught all these tasks from a young age. If a 16 YO can drive, by golly they better be able to cook something other than KD too.

Thanks MissPrissy, you really did encourage me when I am having such a bad week. I heard some bad news last week, and I feel really bummed. Thanks for encouraging me in my most important role, as wife and mama.


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