Chicken run lighting question


Apr 24, 2019
Whaleyville (Suffolk) Va
So I purchased a solar light for my 10'x34' chicken run and was wondering if it was ok to put it on dusk to dawn mode. Will the chickens be ok if the light stays on all night? The coop will be dark, but they typically sleep in the run.
It doesn't require much light to affect chickens and their hormones. 24/7 light will cause them the be hormonally active without the typical winter break. This is what chickens in commercial egg operations endure.

You can do it, but I suggest you think about whether this is really what you want for your chickens. A day/night light cycle is definitely healthier and more natural, but it's your call.

As to why you're putting up a light, if it's for security, a motion light might be a better alternative. Also, if you're doing it to keep predators away, it won't make any difference other than to make it easy for the predator to see what they're doing.
I opted for a motion sensor Ed solar light. If I am in the yard, or my dog, or a predator, light comes on, but shuts back off on its own minimizing disturbance to the flock. It depends your needs for lighting if this will work for you. If the run is lighted all night birds may be less inclined to go in the safety of their coop for the night as well. I agree that it could disrupt their hormones and laying too.
I have night lights in all of my coops. I hatch all of my own chicks so they get used to the lights from hatch. I'm not sure why you would put a light in their pen? All of my birds go into their coops at night.
I have night lights in all of my coops. I hatch all of my own chicks so they get used to the lights from hatch. I'm not sure why you would put a light in their pen? All of my birds go into their coops at night.
MY birds do not go into the coop often at all and sleep int he run at night. My goal was to keep egg production up through the winter. After doing a little research it seems I can set my light to come on at dusk and turn off 4hours later so that's my current plan :)
Or you could set the timer to have the light come on in the early morning before sunrise. I found from experience that timing the light to come on at dusk and go off a few hours past dark can catch some chickens on the ground and make it hard for them to see to get onto a perch to sleep.
Or you could set the timer to have the light come on in the early morning before sunrise. I found from experience that timing the light to come on at dusk and go off a few hours past dark can catch some chickens on the ground and make it hard for them to see to get onto a perch to sleep.

Not from my experience. I have florescent lights that are on double timers--on at 6 am/off at 8 and on at 4 pm/off at 9:30 DST. I found having lights on in the evening after it gets dark gives my free-ranging birds a target to get in the coop. Also, out of curiosity, I've gone down after dark with a flashlight and never found birds off the roosts. They seem to adapt fairly well. I would not, however, recommend 24/7 lighting, they do need to sleep sometimes.
After doing a little research it seems I can set my light to come on at dusk and turn off 4hours later so that's my current plan
That may work, if the charger can keep them lit brightly enough and that long consistently. Inconsistent lighting may not get the eggs you want.

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