Chicken toys? & Fun treats?

Someone mentioned it before, but I second leaves. Each animal has its own instinctual drive which we humans tailor to for "fun" activities. Dogs like chewing squeaky things that sound like animals, cats stalk and pounce laser pointers, chickens love to dig and scratch for bugs. Give them treats and things to dig through to get them and they will be happy :D
The thing my hens enjoy the most is scratching and pecking in straw for the seeds I've scattered throughout, in their pen or under the raised coop in bad weather. 20171223_093020.jpg . GC
Someone mentioned it before, but I second leaves. Each animal has its own instinctual drive which we humans tailor to for "fun" activities. Dogs like chewing squeaky things that sound like animals, cats stalk and pounce laser pointers, chickens love to dig and scratch for bugs. Give them treats and things to dig through to get them and they will be happy :D
Thank you :) I am, ima get a bag & fill it with dried leaves maybe throw in some treats so when they get it open & dig they get a yummy surprise :D
One chicken treat for my chickens is letting them free-range. You could also take chicken scratch, food, seed etc. and throw it on the ground for them and throw hay, straw or grass over it. It keeps my chickens occupied. They stand there for hours scratching and kicking it up with their little chicken claws looking for goodies underneath. As for them resting or roosting during the day especially in the winter time I have a stand of roosting bars for them one higher than the other moving at a further distance. This picture is not mine but it is an example of what it looks like if you want to try it.
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I believe the best toy you can give them is spelled "free ranging". :) No enrichment we provide can beat letting the chickens roam around unfettered and explore the world on their own terms.
Yes I believe the same thing! But I still wanna give them something fun & special just for them since I spoil my dogs I wanna spoil my little rsl girls as well other than free range just to add to their fun life's :)
One chicken treat for my chickens is letting them free-range. You could also take chicken scratch, food, seed etc. and throw it on the ground for them and throw hay, straw or grass over it. It keeps my chickens occupied. They stand there for hours scratching and kicking it up with their little chicken claws looking for goodies underneath. As for them resting or roosting during the day especially in the winter time I have a stand of roosting bars for them one higher than the other moving at a further distance. This picture is not mine but it is an example of what it looks like if you want to try it.
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Thank you I'm looking into getting something similar to that as well & i actually give them treats on the floor as well they do seem to like it but ima cover it up for more excitement for them :)
Compost piles, logs, fresh dirt piles or dirt holes from shoveling.
Sometimes I'll turn the logs over so they can pick at the slugs & bugs underneath.
I also put veggie scraps & treats in a bird suet cage & hang it up.
Or use an apple corer to take the core out of the apple & tie it up with twine through the middle. Apple seeds contain arsenic. It won't kill them unless in large doses, but better safe than sorry.

As for the eggs, I felt weird too. But it's so much more humane to eat them from your own girls than from store bought -- even the "cage free" or "organic". So unless you're vegan, you should actually feel better about eating their eggs.
Also they do work so hard & seem so proud of themselves when they're singing their little egg song. I just say "thank you ladies" & enjoy my fresh humanely laid eggs now.

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