Chicken toys? & Fun treats?

Thank you :) & that's a great idea with the pumpkin & lettuce cause they roll so it's kinda like a game . My chickens love changing day also they're hilarious, mhh that is also true she'd lay them anyway & there is no way absolutely to ever have an embryo? I get paranoid but we have no rooster although I'd like one :) I am very proud of their eggs as well but she kinda shrug it off maybe cause it was her first egg :rolleyes:
Yep if you don't have a rooster, you are definitely eating an unfertilized egg. There is no way the egg could ever hatch, even if your hen sits on it all the time. It truly is the most humane way to consume animal products in my opinion. A hen will lay her egg whether it's been fertilized by a rooster or not, so may as well enjoy the eggs ;) I put golf balls in their nest box so they can sit on them when they feel like going broody and trying to hatch something. This way they aren't so fussy when I gather eggs.
I've been experimenting with what my chickens like (I just got my first 3 from a friend a few weeks ago) and so far giving them a bag of leaves to scratch through and crunch down has been a favorite :D They kind of mulch them up and when I clean the run they go into the mulch pile with the rest of the chicken poo and such. They also seem to really like when I do things like toss them an apple core, and I really want to try that thing where you hang a head of cabbage or lettuce in their coop for them to play with and eat.
Lol that's so cute! What kind of leaves do you use?? I'd like to try that, & the lettuce thing I'd give them shredded but I think ima do the lettuce head as well see if they like it , I haven't given them apples tho cause I get worried about them eating the apple seeds but I have given them other fruits & veggies they seem to love bananas even tho they get their faces all messy
I use plastic bottle and still small holes in them. In put in it scratch and seeds. Just make sure to not make the hole big because got will come out all at once. They will kick the bottle around to get the treats to come out
I absolutely love this idea! Thank you so much :) it's a treat & toy at the same time
Lol that's so cute! What kind of leaves do you use?? I'd like to try that, & the lettuce thing I'd give them shredded but I think ima do the lettuce head as well see if they like it , I haven't given them apples tho cause I get worried about them eating the apple seeds but I have given them other fruits & veggies they seem to love bananas even tho they get their faces all messy
Just leaves from my yard that didn't get raked up in the particular kind :) I don't think there's enough of anything bad in the seeds to kill them unless they ate a bunch of them. I've given them maybe one apple core a week since we got them? Not worried about it.
Yep if you don't have a rooster, you are definitely eating an unfertilized egg. There is no way the egg could ever hatch, even if your hen sits on it all the time. It truly is the most humane way to consume animal products in my opinion. A hen will lay her egg whether it's been fertilized by a rooster or not, so may as well enjoy the eggs ;) I put golf balls in their nest box so they can sit on them when they feel like going broody and trying to hatch something. This way they aren't so fussy when I gather eggs.
Yeah that makes sense it'll go to waste & I'll maybe feel like I'm not appreciating their hard work :) & thank you now I know what to do in case they go broody hasn't happened yet but probably soon
Meal worms, they love meal worms. Also seed blocks. Mine love cut/sliced up apple peels.

There's this thing, my chickens love it.
I give them meal worms & they go bonkers it's adorable :) what are seed blocks?? Can you make that or buy it at a pet store or feed store ? Thanks for the toy link I just added it to my cart :love
Just leaves from my yard that didn't get raked up in the particular kind :) I don't think there's enough of anything bad in the seeds to kill them unless they ate a bunch of them. I've given them maybe one apple core a week since we got them? Not worried about it.
Thanks ima go rake some up & put it in a bag for them :) & ima try the apples today when I buy a few :)

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