Chicken toys? & Fun treats?

We have various size logs, thick branches, an old ladder from a swing set, a few tires, stuff like that. They love to climb and roost. Once in a while we hang a head of cabbage in their run and they love it. They peck at it all day and keeps them busy. Today I am trying something new. Small plastic bottles with a real holes drilled in it filled with their food. This is supposed to keep them from getting bored especially if the weather is bad and they are confined. Chickens tend to prefer working for their food then just having it handed to them.
Thanks :)
Both :) Our feed stores sell them; they're just a few bucks :) My chickens love the blocks! My chickens absolutely love eggs, raw and cooked :lol:
Thanks I'm call to see if my feed store has those if not amazon it is :lol: thank goodness I have few days of work this week I got a lot of work to do in & around the house for my girls :D is it ok for them to eat eggs? :)

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