Chicken toys? & Fun treats?

We had a really hot summer (for us) this year and my flock were feeling the heat. So I made them an iceblock! I put some seeds and tidbits in a 2 litre icream container, topped it up with water, and froze it all up. Then upended the frozen block in their pen the next day. They had a great time pecking at the ice (and eating it) and then snaffling up the goodies as they became available. It was a great entertainment for everyone! I laughed so hard when one of the baby roo's worked out that he could sit back and let the others do all the hard work then run in to "steal" the bit of grain he wanted.
It's real glass. $5 at Goodwill.
I don't think they would do anything to break it. It's pretty secure in it's frame.

You know, you should post some more pix of your girls, so we can ooh & aah at how cute they are. Share the joy!
Oh thanks for the tip :) & aww thank you I will try to post more but one doesn't like pictures & they don't let me photograph them well on grass lol they do when they lay on the cold cement on hot days cause them they lay down so it's easy to take a pic of them thank you :love
We had a really hot summer (for us) this year and my flock were feeling the heat. So I made them an iceblock! I put some seeds and tidbits in a 2 litre icream container, topped it up with water, and froze it all up. Then upended the frozen block in their pen the next day. They had a great time pecking at the ice (and eating it) and then snaffling up the goodies as they became available. It was a great entertainment for everyone! I laughed so hard when one of the baby roo's worked out that he could sit back and let the others do all the hard work then run in to "steal" the bit of grain he wanted.
Oh that's perfect! We've been having kind of hot whether here I'm definitely doing this for them when it's hot now thanks :love & that sounds so cute next time they do that take pics I'd love to see it sounds so funny I bet one of mine might be lazy also :lol:
Yes ima try that :) thank you I also didn't think about a xylophone but that's adorable! I'm definitely putting that with them &the mirror, 15 girls wow lucky I have 2 but I'd love more :) also do you use dry corn or wet corn in the bottle thank very much for the bored busters I hadn't heard of that but it helps as well :)
use dry corn and seed the bottle with holes drilled in it. I also give them shredded cabbage and carrots when its too cold for cabbage head, due to it freezing.
We used to fill a 2 liter bottle full of corn for deer. The deer would stomp and kick it to get the corn out and it was so funny, that I scared them all off a few times due to laughing. One time a doe kicked it right at another doe and she freaked out when it hit her.

I wonder if you could do something like that with a small 20 0z bottle. Make the girls kick it around to get the feed.
Thanks I'm call to see if my feed store has those if not amazon it is :lol: thank goodness I have few days of work this week I got a lot of work to do in & around the house for my girls :D is it ok for them to eat eggs? :)

Haha :thumbsup Your girls will love it! Just fill it with treats & let them have a go at it!
They can eat them raw, but I wouldn't suggest feeding them a raw egg every time one is laid. You can scramble or fry them up for your girls :D

But I think you would enjoy eating them more, eggs from a backyard flock are very nutritious :)
I consider the eggs a gift and I'm grateful for them. I've gotten in the habit of saying a general "thank you" when I find eggs in the nest because I am excited - every time. Of course, I always accuse them of being "slackers" when the nests are empty. :lol:
Any ideas of chicken toys ? I know some might say chickens don't need toys but I want to give them toys I like to spoil my two rsl girls :love so do any of you have any idea of chicken toys to buy? Or homemade? & any ideas of fun treats I give them treats but I'd like to give them some fun treats or kinda like toy treats where they have to play to get the treats also ? & this is off topic but does anyone else feel guilty about eating their chickens eggs my chickens or one of both barely started laying but I'm not planning on eating them since I see them & my dogs as my children it feels weird to me like I'm doing something bad :rolleyes: so just curious if I'm the only one who feels guilty I haven't eaten any I think ima just give them away View attachment 1253621 my girls Dylan & Kurt now & them when they were younger
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I understand that they are your girls... mine are my pets and girls and love them to pieces. However, I cannot see eggs at the store the same way once you know how hens are treated and what they feed them. The eggs from my eggs are the best and I know all the nutrition that they have because of what I feed them. I suggest you try them. Nothing wrong and your girls won't know, unless they are brooding.
Thanks I'm call to see if my feed store has those if not amazon it is :lol: thank goodness I have few days of work this week I got a lot of work to do in & around the house for my girls :D is it ok for them to eat eggs? :)
Eggs are full of protein and the shells are a perfect calcium source. Just remember to NEVER let them recognise the eggs as eggs! Break them up, mash them down, crush the shells to tiny bits! If they know they are eggs they will start eating their own eggs after laying them and that's a habit impossible top break!

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