chicken transporting


12 Years
Mar 6, 2007
Theres a group on yahoo that started a way to transport chickens. I think its been taken over by spam. But I think its a good idea.Is anyone interested on trying it here?
LOL. I think you need to explain the "way to transport chickens." You have quite a bit of "lack of information" for everyone here to be on the same thought pattern as you. LOL

Maybe an explanation and maybe the link to the group?

I have a feeling it's a carpool/relay type means of transporting birds. I would like to be enlightened as well.

I'm sorry about that!It would be like carporting.Maybe if someone is going to be traveling they could post where they're going and where to,dates of travel etc. Who knows maybe the person recieving the birds could help a little with the cost of gas? It would also be easier on the birds.

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