chickens and hurricane Sandy

The hot water bottle idea is a good one at that age all they need is a place to get warm if they get chilled. I have a broody with three week old chicks in the barn now. Most of the day they are just running around, not huddling under mom. If you have a couple of gallon jugs around you can use a couple of them for the thermal mass. to keep an area warm. If the area they are in is cool maybe make a small tent over them to hold the heat.
The wind really picked up here in SE Pa. in the last half hour.
thanks for all the tips.. im boiling water now.. i have set up a dog crate with towels and a tupperware with towels. i have 16 babies.. our propane fireplace gets pretty warm.. when the power goes out I will bring them in front of the fireplace.. any other tips appreciated
We are in SE PA and so far so good have not had any power loss or serious damage. I locked my chickens in the coop. I have 3 6 week old freedom ramngers and still use the heat lamp for. They seem to be fairing well with the straw and the lamp. I also have an 8 moth old RIR who wasn't too happy about being locked in but is holding up well with just straw. She is separated from the babies but I'm sure the heat lamp is throwing off enough heat to help her also. Prayers are with all who aren't as lucky and I hope everyone is staying safe and warm
I'm in central Maryland - lots of wind & rain last night, mostly rain and somewhat breezy today. I had to let my chickens out to free range today as their run is under water - the ducks were very happy, the chickens not so much. The hens stayed in the coop yesterday and the roosters were keeping watch by the run door - eventually they went in the coop. Even with the coop closed up - the bedding is soaking wet. I hope that this rain stops soon so I can clean it out and put in dry bedding - no sense doing it while we still have rain & wind as it will only get wet again.

Hope everyone else is safe & dry.

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