Chickens Fav Treats!!!!

Watermelon. Oh my God! They will attack you if they see it in your hand and they aren't given some with in seconds. Our rooster Tyson has attacked our Male Wolfdog over a rind. I give them our radish thins to but I am considering make bricks of pumpkin, sunflower, chia, corn, and other seeds with honey or molasses. Most is grown in our garden some will have to be purchased. If anyone has some ideas please send them my way. I am trying to come up with a super cheap solution. I was always told happy birds lay eggs so gotta keep the birdies happy.
My RIR's and Red Stars will eat live meal worms, but not the dried ones. We put a piece of watermelon out for them yesterday, and they wouldn't even touch it. Thinking about trying cracked corn. BTW, they are 4 and 5 weeks respectively.
For those who give popsicles, how do you do that? Drop it frozen on the coop floor or in the run and they'll eat it before it becomes juice? Or you hold the stick for them and they eat from your hand? lol That's cute.

Grapes surely did it for me! I went to buy a bag after seeing many people mentioning them. The hens and the chicks enjoyed :)
Well my hens just were standing there so i just decided since i have a popsickle i'll give some to it broke a piece and pushed it out they now know what it looks like
Dandelions... my birds love them. I go around the yard and pull off the yellow flowers and throw them in and it's chicken frenzy.
They also like/love dried mealworms. No to banana, watermelon, tomato. They do eat grass when I toss in a handful too.
Fried bluegill!! Cooked some last night on the grill, had too much and handed it over to the girls and they went nuts!
:welcome     Not creepy.  They are carnivores and eat any and all meat.  Cooked for not.  I mix a small bit of raw hamburger meat into the fermented feed that I give my 15     8 week olds.   They get extra protein and love it.   Tonight for supper they got chopped up cooked chicken, beef, scrambled eggs and bread..   I can't do it often because I don't have a lot of leftover meat but they love it.   

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