Chickens Fav Treats!!!!

Well, sorry, but I'm new to this and haven't figured out how all this works. My chickens love mealworms, which I raise. They also love my pigeons food, but during the day they have several acres to free range on.
hi everyone. I downloaded a book on my tablet called "my pet chicken handbook". the author has some great treat recipes for chickens such as porridge, cakes, and waldorf salad. I just had to make the hatchday cake. it has cornmeal, creamed and kernel corn, and can be "iced" with yogurt. the girls would not touch it at first but the second time I offered it they loved it! I froze the remainder in pieces and when I wantto give the girls a treat I just pop a piece in the microwavefor a few seconds just to unfreeze it.
My RIR's and Red Stars will eat live meal worms, but not the dried ones. We put a piece of watermelon out for them yesterday, and they wouldn't even touch it. Thinking about trying cracked corn. BTW, they are 4 and 5 weeks respectively.

Some foods you have to leave for a bit. I've never seen a chicken turn down watermelon for very long.
Mine like just about everything!
Love bananas, apple, raisins.
Corn on the cob, broccoli, etc.
I hang a head of cabbage to keep them busy if they have to stay in their run, mostly in the winter.
They free range everyday so for the most part find their own treats.
I can't do garden work without an audience, waiting for me to dig up any earthworms. I love to see them chase after moths and they LOVE June bugs.

Meal worms though, that's their crack! Like others have stated, that is hands down the sure fire way to get them back into run. Just crinkle that bag once and they come running. I half expect one of them to do a face plant because they run so fast to get to me and the bag :eek:)
Mine eat meal worms, black oil sunflower seeds, triple mix (corn, oats and barley), alfalfa, oatmeal, yogurt (usually mixed with ground eggshells for added shell strength in the new eggs laid), leftover scrambled eggs, cooked potates, scratch grains, and corn, but their all time FAVORITE is earthworms!!!! And they just love to watch me spend countless minutes digging in the dirt to find them! LOL! But they also find things to eat when they get out of their pen for the day.

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