Chickens Fav Treats!!!!

My ladies seem to like bananas
alot and the eat meat as well but I too don't have a lot of extra or spare meat
to give them. They really don't have much to do with anything that is green, I don't know why but whatever you silly birds
  • wheat bread
  • fresh corn on the cob
  • oats
  • crickets
  • mealworms
  • Strawberries
  • BLUEBERRIES! They go nuts over their blueberries!
My girls just got their 1st treat in their 3 weeks of life. Locust shells and I thought there was going to be a riot if everyone didn't get one of their own. So now I'm having my friends collect them from their trees. I'm going to try bananas tonight :) do you mash them up or just give them whole?
My girls just got their 1st treat in their 3 weeks of life. Locust shells and I thought there was going to be a riot if everyone didn't get one of their own. So now I'm having my friends collect them from their trees. I'm going to try bananas tonight :) do you mash them up or just give them whole?
I just throw them in whole with the peel. They eat what they want and ignore the rest.
Weird, mine hated bananas last time I tried that.

Their favorites seem to vary by season...
WINTER: "hot mash"- layer pellets softened with warm water, with cooked rice, corn niblets, oatmeal, and raisins mixed in- I try to feed this an hour or so before bed to fill them up on cold nights. Cabbage tetherball also keeps them entertained, and they love kale and arugula in a suet feeder for something green to pick at when there's nothing but snow in sight.

SUMMER: Any kind of live bugs, worms and moths are a favorite. I can't think of much produce they don't like (except those bananas!) but they will tear a watermelon down to the thinnest strip of rind in no time. They also love corn on the cob. On really hot days they get watermelon mixed with frozen blueberries and grapes to encourage them to stay hydrated. They also love a big, whole sunflower to strip the seeds out of in the late summer.

The one thing they really hate that all other chickens love is pumpkin. They let those things rot in the run until I took them out, and turned their nose up at the seeds too.
Broccoli stems - my chicks hollow out the inside, leaving the skin of the stem, but they won't touch the actual broccoli (head/flower/leaves).
Also, unguarded rhubarb pie or pizza. They're sneaky little birds.
My girls get a mix of several grains which includes cracked corn. I've noted the corn is often the last eaten but it also goes down. My kids have a full acre to roam so they have lots of options and if corn isn't their favorite it must still appeal to them.

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