Chickens like rain?


In the Brooder
8 Years
Apr 21, 2011
Okay so we have a good mix of large and small chickens, right. Well the small chickens, when I go out to the chicken house, where they stay in bad weather, and they stay there at night, the small ones dart out the door, and it's pouring down rain!

I can't catch them to get them out of the rain and they just stand in it and act like the normally do, except their drenched in rain.

Is this a real issue or should I not worry about it?
Depends on the bird. Some of my birds would rather die than get wet, and others seem impervious to the weather. Wet weather hasn't killed any of mine yet, so I don't worry too much about them. They are tough.

Good luck.
I have two baby silkies, and I'm not ready to let them go out yet, one is plenty old enough though.

We have to keep the babies inside because there are a lot of cats in our neighborhood.
My whole flock was out in the rain all day last Saturday. Some free ranged all over and others stayed near the canopy and only ventured out when it slowed. My white silkie was one of the all over gals and looked quite bedraggled and mud smeared by end of day. The next morning she was back to fluffy white. Amazing!
I mainly worry about the weather with young chickens that aren't fully feathered and don't know the routine in a new coop, yet. Sometimes young chickens are disturbed by their first heavy rain or seeing snow the first time. They can get stranded out in the yard, where they've taken shelter under something. Once they're adults and know how to get back to the coop, I let them decide where they want to be.

I noticed that once they figure out that rain brings worms to the surface, standing out in the rain is worth it.

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