chickens very sick!


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jun 10, 2014
One day last week of had a 5week old Dominique chick die overnight with no signs of illness. Then, I noticed a 3 month old Japanese who was in the big run looking droopy, but it had gotten into a fight with a sibling the day before so I chalked it up to him being beat up a bit. Just in case I started everyone on sulfameloxine (sp?) In the event cocci was to blame. That was Friday night. I was out of town for two days and hubby and kids took care of everything. This morning I go out to find three of the five Japanese sickly, so I moved them to a clean coop, gave them medicated chick feed, the medicine water (which they have been on for three days now) and hoped for the best. Tonight I lost a Japanese and I m stumped. They have several symptoms:
Eyes swollen and thick discharge...this happens fast...goes from watery to bad in a few hours or so it seems. The sickest ones eye looked almost blue and cloudy.
Tiny black dots on tiny scabs...they had these when I bought them and I assumed they had been picked on. I cannot find any pustules to confirm pox so still confused.
Droopy demenor...very skinny but eating and drinking like horses. Even the one that died had a nice soft full crop.
Combs fallen over...on every Japanese...and one of my leghorns who is acting perfectly normal has her huge comb fallen over.

We clean and scrub buckets DAILY...and I completely clean coops/runs weekly. I'm a stickler for cleanliness out there.
I'm trying to find a vet that sees chickens but so far no luck. Will try again tomorrow.
I made a rookie mistake in building my flock and got chicks from several sources. I only bought from clean places and healthy looking birds but now I'm in this boat. I'm upset and irritated all at once...I love these guys...I sit out there every day and hand feed them treats.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Pics to come...

Hi, I suspect the black spots are Fowl Pox, there's no treatment for that... ...the messy eyes could be from a secondary infection... Hopefully someone else will help you in a bit.... I hope your girl gets better....
Thank you. Still looking for a vet online but no luck. I'm going to call around in the morning.
Waiting to hear back from a vet friend. Shes out of town at the moment but hopefully the pics I sent her can give her a idea. I added injectable antibiotics today as well as irritating the sickest ones eyes and applying eye meds. She seemed much better this evening. We completely stripped every single coop, the run etc today. We applied ammonia to disinfect and scrubbed and cleaned every single bucket and bowl. The other chickens that were affected seem to be back on track now :) I cant wait to hear back from the vet and hopefully have some awnsers.
There is no gasping, runny noses or anything.
Waiting to hear back from a vet friend. Shes out of town at the moment but hopefully the pics I sent her can give her a idea. I added injectable antibiotics today as well as irritating the sickest ones eyes and applying eye meds. She seemed much better this evening. We completely stripped every single coop, the run etc today. We applied ammonia to disinfect and scrubbed and cleaned every single bucket and bowl. The other chickens that were affected seem to be back on track now :) I cant wait to hear back from the vet and hopefully have some awnsers.
There is no gasping, runny noses or anything.

I'm glad she and the others are doing better.

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