Chicks arrived: PICS added


12 Years
Jul 7, 2007
West Michigan
I got my three chicks from Meyer Hatchery today. They all appear healthy, despite the frigid temperatures.

The bad news: they sent an extra chick. I DON'T want a rooster, and I'm sure that's what they sent

I'll post pics in a bit. . .

OK, here they are:






Mystery chick


I think this is the EE
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When Meyer added an extra chick to my small order (7 girls), it was the same gender and breed as one of the ones I had in the order. (a most lovely SLW girl, I might add...)

I think that is their general policy on small orders - if they add a spare it's the same gender as what you ordered. Hope so! Of course there is also always a margin of error on their sexed chicks too...

You could always give them a call and ask.
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OK, I called them. They said the extra chick was from a straight-run batch. So I've got a 50-50 chance of a rooster. And I have no idea which chick is the "extra" since I can't tell which one is the EE chick. Let me find some batteries for my camera. . .
I picked up mine this morning at 7am from the post office. They also came from meyer. my 12 buff orfs made it but 10 of my brown leghorns were dead.
two made it. The leghorns were a lot smaller than the buffs, it seems to me that they got trampled in the box. Meyer is sending out 12 more on monday with a heating pad, i was concerned but they said that they would make it.
how horrible, opi. I was really afraid that I'd have some frozen chicks. When I got them home, they were definitely drawn to the heat lamp. They seem to be doing fine, though.
My order from meyer was great in october I got 8 chicks all were supposed to be pullets but one turned into a roo and him and a girl were sent out to a farm. I got 1 GLW 2 Favorrels 2 Marans 2 EE's and a SLW one EE was roo and I sent the SLW pullet with him. Now I have 6 more 3 delawares 2 leghorn mixes and 1 golden campamine I got them from a fellow BYC'er . I like them all but somone else is looking for some pullets so I might give her the two leghorns and mabe the campamine.

Good luck chicks look good

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