Chicks scheduled to ship today! YAY!! Anyone else?

My chicks from Ideal arrived this morning! I ordered 25 and got 24; but, they are all healthy as can be. It is a surprise pullet special. So, not sure what breeds they are until I saw your pictures! I have 10 barred rocks just like yours!
Are the tips of their wings empty of feathers? It'll be fun watching them grow!!
Mine are due to ship from Ideal next week on the 10th - I cannot wait!! I am eggspecting (LOL):
2 naked neck pullets
2 ancona pullets
2 ameracauna pullets & 2 roos (now really I know these are prolly just easter eggers, but the kids love seeing the colored eggs)
1 buff minorca pullet

so 9 before they ship with packing peanuts (I did request as few as possible, cause I cannot keep a bunch of roos).
make sure to post pics!

lol its funny you ask about the wings, my kids thought something was wrong because they are starting to get little feathers on the wing tips so they look like little bones tipped with a little feather.

These are my first set of chickens so I am totally excited about watching them grow, one thing that really suprised me was how much they poop! Such little girls can certainly make a mess
I think I cleaned the brooder out about 4 times yesterday!
Ours arrived this morning! They are already running around, eating, drinking, pooping haha fighting! I guess anyhow. They keep pecking each other. There is one thats a chirper and one that seems to like to zoom about, stops for a drink, zooms some more haha She's a light blond color and seems to have a dark spot on her back. She's in the top half of the box in the pic. only one like that. Got 5 buff orphingtons, 5 partridge plymouth rocks, 5 light brahmas and 5 ameraucanas

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Here are a few pictures of my new little poopers!
As you can see after 3 hours in their new needs a new liner in it and fresh water.......the first of many!




Since it's a surprise special of pullets............any guesses on breeds?
Wow how exciting ! I wanted to ask is it too late to order chicks now ? My husband and I are about to close on a home we love after almost a year of wrangling with the owners and the banks . Its tough out there for would be organic truck farmers . Anyway , thank GOD we're about to close on our little micro farm
and CHICKENS are so Important to us ( we are 100 % 1000 % organic ... ) they are our invaluable bug eating fertilizing pettable little helpers ( I had bantam silkies before in Brooklyn .. so Furry and So Sweet ..)

Can I PLEASE get some advice regarding building a cost effective quick coop keeping them SAFE from predatory alley cats and keeping them warm over the winter ?

I LOVE my animals and dont want to take custody of them unless I can be a good parent ...

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