Chiken Open Skin


10 Years
Jan 5, 2010
I have a chiken and today about 1hr ago i went outside and i saw feathers all over the place then, i found the chiken and it was missing skin from the back of its neck you can see the meat because the skin was torn off. What should i do it look really bad it walks and evrything, is teh a way for it to heal or should i just kill it?
Take a deep breath and calm down a bit. We've all been through something like this. Is the chicken bleeding right now? If she is hold pressure on the wound with a clean cloth.

She is probably in shock so be gentle and talk softly to her while you tend to her. If you have to restrain her wrap her in a towel and lay her on her side and cover her head loosley with something like a washcloth. She should relax.

How is she doing now?
Once the bleeding stops don't fool around with the wound. Set her up in the house for the night. A box or a dog cage or anything will work. Line the bottom with clean rags so she is comfortable. Make sure she has water and food and keep her in an area that is calm and quiet but where you can keep an eye on her.

Treat her wound just like you would for anyone. Clean it up the best you can and apply neosporin ointment or other antibiotic ointment. Don't use the kind with the pain relief ingredient. It is toxic to chickens.

If feathers are 'dipping' into the wound you can clip them off so the area can heal cleanly. If you have any non stick gauze you can cover the area loosley so the bandage will not pull off the scab.

Everyday make sure the wound looks clean and re apply the neosporin. If you have to pour a little peroxide on it but only once or twice. Peroxide not only kills germs but it also kills new skin cells.

Make sure she has treats to eat to keep her appetite up. A few fruits are good because they will give her fluids along with vitamins. Not too many fruits though because they can cause diahrrea. 2 or 3 chopped grapes or strawberries will be O.K. Give her scrambled eggs for protein and some scratch as a treat.

Just like I said earlier treat her just like you would a human. If you have penicillan available at your feed store you might consider 10 days of that but lets see how she does in the next day.
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the chiken act normal and everything and there is no more blood its just the open wound worries me, ill do what u said if i need some more help or have queations ill let you know, Thank very much for your help
That's great that she is acting normal but be aware tomorrow she might not act that way but that's OK. She fought for her life and tomorrow she might seem tired and will need a lot of rest. Watch her closley.

Do you have any other chickens that are in danger or are they all locked up for the night?

I'm going to bed now but want to let you know that everyone on here is really knowledgeable and as helpful as can be. Sounds like your little chicken is in very caring hands and I'm sure she will be fine. I'm sending good thoughts your way.

Shes the only chiken we have, we bought two so it wouldnt be alone but the other one was ate by our neighbors
they thought it was theirs, and the chiken sleeps in a warm box we usually place in the garage.
Goodnight and Thankyou again
lol yeah they have alot of chikens, now i dont have any my last one died over night
I'm really sorry that she died! Just like Callemin said don't give up. Spring is just around the corner and you can try again. Again I'm really sorry.

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