Christmas 2014 Hatch-a-Long (12-25-14)

OK, I have a chicken confession to make...
I have not been sleeping well for DAYS!!!
I cannot seem to get chicks off my mind!
A friend and I ordered some chicks to be delivered around April 20th, but that was too far away, which is why I was trying to hatch some earlier. Now my friend wants to change her order so I keep getting on the website and looking at all the different chicks around. I've never been addicted to anything in my life...until now. I'm totally addicted to chickens!!!
I haven't been sleeping well either! Since the day before I joined this site, I've been on here everyday in my spare time to read and re-read things in the learning center. Making sure I get things right. And going to the search bar to see if people have had similar questions to mine about anything chicken-related. This is my first time ever having my own chickens and I'm starting the rest of my chicken years by incubating. I hope I have one (or all 3) that get attached to me. Lol because I'm already so attached to them!
I really hope they turn out ok anyway! I think sometimes it's hard to tell what you are looking at. Definitely give the questionable ones several more days before you give up on them!

Thanks! The two we pulled we cracked open and they were definitely done but the two that I now think are questionable I'm definitely giving them some time. I really want to check them tonight but my heart says wait.
I love the addiction confessions, lol!

I think I'm getting there myself. I just built a new coop and run and went WAY over budget and I'm not even done with it yet :)
The little chooks are worth it though.
I love the addiction confessions, lol!

I think I'm getting there myself. I just built a new coop and run and went WAY over budget and I'm not even done with it yet :)
The little chooks are worth it though.
I have a chicken addiction as well. I only wanted three chickens but now have 6x as many.

Word of advice! Keep your Bator and hands clean! You do not want your chicks getting mushy chick disease, it's not fun :(
Still trying to figure out how to clean a Styrofoam incubator without melting it.

Wait, mushy chick disease? That sounds gross and painful, I must go do my research on it. 

It is very difficult to clean :rolleyes:

The chick is on antibiotics, she needs water every 30 minutes. She also has bad feet. So she's getting the whole package. I do hope she pulls through, I have been doing everything :fl
It is very difficult to clean

The chick is on antibiotics, she needs water every 30 minutes. She also has bad feet. So she's getting the whole package. I do hope she pulls through, I have been doing everything
I am aware, I'm still not sure it it is clean, after about everything I could do to it had been done.

Awe, the poor thing. I just read a thing on it. It looks sad, I hope that she pulls through as well, no creature should have to go through that.

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