Climbing a ladder............(fill the blank)


8 Years
Oct 29, 2011
Penfield, PA
We're all climbing a ladder, where is yours going,
Im on a ladder to nowhere
I'm climbing the ladder to better health. Had both hips replaced this year. Hoping to be back to normal physical activity soon. I need to lose about 40lbs, which is hard to do when you can't be that physically active. Can't wait till I can go walking, hiking and all that stuff I haven't done in over a year!
my grandma had her knee replaced about a year ago.

Yeah, things wear out I guess, lol. My dad had to have both knees replaced last year. I was actually born with hip displaysia. Started giving me problems in my 20's, and of course, I ignored it till my 30's. Unfortunately, with me being in my 30's, I'll most likely have to have them replaced again sometime down the road. The artificial hips aren't made to last a lifetime.
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A ladder towards a more self sufficient life style. Creating a homestead where we have pretty much everything we need AND want.The less time spent off the property the better.
I am climbing the ladder to look for a new location to move to...I want property so I can start doing what I have been dreaming of doing for many years--Farm Animal Rescue.
climbing a ladder to get to the top? LOL!

actually, climbing the stairs more like it, to get the attic upstairs finished so we can have our huge master bed/bath and an area I will use as an art studio!
I am climbing a ladder to a healthier lifestyle. Will go part time this year, too much sitting in the office. Will grow my farm. Breed horses, become self sufficient, need to butcher some more roosters

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