

15 Years
May 4, 2008

All that talk about seperating broody hens from the rest of the flock...I figured back in the old days hens just had chicks where the barn, hayloft, under a I just let mine be. Glimmer & Glimmer the look alike Banty Cochins were broody together. Glimmer had one baby Easter weekend, and the other Glimmer had 4 hatch Mothers Day weekend. They co-parent and get along fine. The chicks go to either hen and everyone is happy:)
The moms keep the other 5 hens in their place, they know not to mess with the babies!
A happy coop:) Soooo much easier for me!
The only way I would separate a broody and her chicks from the flock would be if I did not think there was enough room for the hen to protect her babies. Mama takes care of most of the integration issues and the chicks develop immunities they need. Some people have had disasters trying this, but I think that is usually due to lack of room or a poor mama.
That's how it worked for my 3 Kraienkoppes and one lone chick. There was a main Mama and some assistants. When main Mama was killed, assistants took over.
I have to say one thing when I hear, "In the old days." Yes, in the old days they just brooded wherever but not always and the outcomes didn't always go the greatest. It could go great, it could definately not. My grandfather let them hatch in incubator and also let the hen do it. He never separated the hen with chicks from the rest of flock. Over and over, either a rooster/another hen/hen herself would kill the babies. He had more than enough room and food, let them roam too. I would go out to feed or water them and find a chick that had been pecked to death and the the others trying to get to the other chicks. So, I believe its just up to the person and which method is best. Most of his flock was always road island reds or black austrolorps. Which ever way you do it, as long as your comfortable with it and the chicks are safe, IMO thats the best route.
That's great! How big an area are the two hens and chicks in?

I had two hens both sit on eggs in a dog igloo. After 3 weeks of sitting, I moved the igloo into an 8'x8' pen and mommas hatched out many chicks. The 2nd day the mommas nearly killed each other.
They are in a 16x20 run with 2 small coops

Hard to see the one on the left, it is a rabbit hutch that I love for a Banty coop!

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