Coccidiosis advice

Vitamins defeat the purpose of Corid.
Do not give vitamins while using Corid, wait until AFTER the Corid treatment is complete.
Hi SBMember

Would like to suggest please in using 2/3 drops of oil of oregano in approx 1 tabsp veg oil and nutridrench. Also ramping up the good stuff with herbs including oregano.

This maybe just a fluke or the hens just got over it themselves, but 2 ex-bat hens had definite signs of cocci and I used the above 2 x a day for a couple of days and one pulled through completely and the 2nd is recoverying slowly but surely. I give all the chickens some porridge with mixed dried herbs and linseed, and mite powder each afternoon to try and keep them as healthy as possible.

All the best to you and your little ones.
What type of mite powder do you give them daily?
Do you give it to them orally or place the powder on their body?
My apologies. Just to be clear, I was suggesting using the oregano oil and nutridrench instead of the corid. Oregano is a natural antibiotic. I admit the first time around I used amprolium as could not get the corid in the UK. Personally prefer to try natural ingredients nowadays.
My apologies. Just to be clear, I was suggesting using the oregano oil and nutridrench instead of the corid. Oregano is a natural antibiotic. I admit the first time around I used amprolium as could not get the corid in the UK. Personally prefer to try natural ingredients nowadays.
Thanks for clarifying.
I prefer natural ingredients too.

Unfortunately sometimes the read deal is needed. (Medications are made for a reason)

I personally would not rely on trying to save chicks with oregano oil.

AND feeding vitamins to a Cocci infected chick is just not smart.
Cocci thrive on B vitamins.
Corid/Amprolium BLOCKES the B vitamins so the Cocci die.
What type of mite powder do you give them daily?
Do you give it to them orally or place the powder on their body?

Hi KikiGirls
I put several tbsp of the DE feedgrade in the porridge with the herbs and linseed (includes crushed pumpkin seeds as best natural wormer) and mix it in when the porridge has cooled. The chooks love it. I do also gently rub the stuff in the chooks from time to time. They seem ok apart from Roddy our poland but the breed are suseptible to lice apparently. Please check out Lisa Steel's website: and also pavlovafowl on utube ... great organic treatments eg coconut oil and essential oils work great for lice and scaly leg ☺
Thanks for clarifying.
I prefer natural ingredients too.

Unfortunately sometimes the read deal is needed. (Medications are made for a reason)

I personally would not rely on trying to save chicks with oregano oil.

AND feeding vitamins to a Cocci infected chick is just not smart.
Cocci thrive on B vitamins.
Corid/Amprolium BLOCKES the B vitamins so the Cocci die.

Yep, absolutely. I got this info from looking right here on BYC when I first found out one of the hens had cocci. ☺
Hi KikiGirls
I put several tbsp of the DE feedgrade in the porridge with the herbs and linseed (includes crushed pumpkin seeds as best natural wormer) and mix it in when the porridge has cooled. The chooks love it. I do also gently rub the stuff in the chooks from time to time. They seem ok apart from Roddy our poland but the breed are suseptible to lice apparently. Please check out Lisa Steel's website: and also pavlovafowl on utube ... great organic treatments eg coconut oil and essential oils work great for lice and scaly leg ☺

How long have you been a chicken keeper?
How many times have you had poop from your flock tested by a vet?
DE is worthless when it gets wet...which happens as soon as it enters their mouth.
Please please search for DE here on this website and read the hundreds of stories from real life chicken owners from all over the world.
You may learn pretty quickly just how bad DE really is for birds.
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You mention that you have recently switched to a nipple watering system. Is there any possibility that these chicks are not able to access water now ? Symptoms that you describe can also be caused by dehydration. Water deprived chicks will also over drink and drool when supplied with readily accessible water.

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