Cochin Bantams and Frizzle Cochin Bantams!!

Got it on the 6th and I would guess it was at least a week at that point so..... (math emoji) just over 3 weeks is best guess. Im a tad worried its a cockerel since it has a pretty pronounced comb but its exactly like the "pullet" bin giant cochin so there's still hope. Still no pink at least.
Got it on the 6th and I would guess it was at least a week at that point so..... (math emoji) just over 3 weeks is best guess. Im a tad worried its a cockerel since it has a pretty pronounced comb but its exactly like the "pullet" bin giant cochin so there's still hope. Still no pink at least.
I was told mine were hatched on the 1st, so about the same age as yours. They all have very distinct little combs, but only one has turned pink/red so maybe you're in luck and you've got a little girl. "She's" very adorable!
I want a smooth splash female!
I've now hatched 3 splashes, one was frizzled and these 2 have shown that they are boys. Still awfully pretty, but why oh why can't I get a splash female?! LOL

At 4 weeks, I still had hope.

Now 5 weeks

Hi everyone! I'm new to Cochin bantams, these are my very first two
I was wondering if anyone could guess their ages? Or give me a rough idea on each.
They were both from the "assorted bantam pullets" bin at the feed store. They had lots of colors and sizes. I heard bantams are harder to sex as one day olds though so they may be either.
I live out in the country so I'd be happy with a roo, but still crossing my fingers for girls.

This is the bigger one, s/he has a missing patch of fluff on her head, the feed store actually gave her to me for free.

And this is the smaller one, s/he is really spunky, zips around and eats/drinks a lot faster then the other.


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