Cochin breeding, genetics, and showing

Does anybody have an idea on how to start breeding pure bred giant Cochin chickens
First, they are not referred to a "giant," they are large fowl Cochins. There are a number of people breeding them and they can be purchased if you are persistent, do your homework and establish communication with the breeder that you decide to purchase from. Google LF Cochins in ____________? Also, visit the Cochins International FB page, join the Cochins International Club and this will give you a Breeders Directory that will have all of the LF Cochin breeders listed and you will be able to find the closest one to you, or one you like better. It is a bit of an initial investment, but they are beautiful, long lived birds.
hi ,
i'm new at BYC ,
indeed this thread is very helpful ...
i've a question , please answer me with your experience ,
i've a white cochin ROOSTER around a age of 7 month which is breeding a buff ( brown ) cochin and a black cochin HEN at a time, all are LF
1 . which type of sex link will develop among them ?
2 . which colour chicks will come out from hatching ?
and also guide me about the word offspring EE im not aware that what is this EE offspring meaning .
thanks .
i've also buff cochin rooster in this flock age of 5 month which is not able to breed a hen right now a friend advise me to remove buff cochin rooster to avoid cros .
( AND ive also a white AMERAUCANA hen in this flock and white cochin rooster is also breeding her and its definitely gonna be a cossed .)
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hi ,
i'm new at BYC ,
indeed this thread is very helpful ...
i've a question , please answer me with your experience ,
i've a white cochin around a age of 7 month which is breeding a buff ( brown ) cochin and a black cochin at a time, all are LF
1 . which type of sex link will develop among them ?
2 . which colour chicks will come out from hatching ?
and also guide me about the word offspring EE im not aware that what is this EE offspring meaning . thanks .

What color is the cock? What color is the hen?

This is the best thread for sex link questions

EE means Easter Egger, any chicken that lays blue/ green eggs. Usually a mix of ameracuana. Most hatchery ameracuana are EE chickens.
Is anyone else in here working on large fowl silver laced? I know some of you have seen these but these are a couple girls from my 2015 crop. I just started working with the SL LF this year and I am really happy with the grow outs so far. Some of my birds came from my friend Sasha Hanson in Oklahoma and they have been vital to my program. I would love to see what others have.

Is there anybody here with LF Red Cochins? In Northern California or nearby? I'm looking to round up some stock for a LF sex-linked Silkie project I wanna start this spring. Can't buy any birds until mid-Nov. (gotta move some of them guineas along to make room) but I'm trying to scout breeders early, since the Reds seem to be pretty rare in LF form. I'm looking to buy 2 cockerels/cocks and potentially 1 or 2 hens/pullets. I'm also looking to get 1 LF Barred cock or cockerel, breeder quality please.

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