If handling, carrying roosters around makes them mean can someone explain to me how all these people are able to show them???
I think because show birds are handled with a different intent than 'cuddling pets'....not to mention more awareness, in most cases.
I have a rooster that tried to attack me also, I hung him upside down in front of his ladies, it humiliates Him, I had to do this twice & used a firm voice to him so he knows who’s boss. It worked! You may have to do it again to remind him, it doesn’t hurt him at all, just try it. If he keeps continually attacking you, put him in jail bird house by himself for about 3-4 days. I would try multiple things to have him know you are boss, if nothing works then off to freezer camp, then at least you can say “I tried” but I hope something works for you!

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