Coffee's ready...

Hello all from cozy southern AZ.
I just found this post. We have a little bit of cloud covering, and the weather man said we are finaly going to get out of the 70's (60's for me since i live out of the city.) Well, I am on my second cup of coffee after a bussy morning. Got hubby off to work, chickens fed, ducks fed, dogs fed, and kids fed. Now it is my little bit of time.

Hope everyone has a great morning!
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Good morning chicken wranglers
I wont go into the weather today.Greetings to you newchicmom,T O, tonopah, Kismet,and shelly " who started this thread".The day started well, with feeding watering and breakfast all going excellent.My W.W. cooks for me every morning and the smell of bacon and eggs warms my heart in a way that is a cross between nostalgia and starvation.The smell is ingrained in memory, winter air ,burning wood from the fireplace,and bacon frying on the stove. Takes me backin time and yet it is happening here today . Hot coffee just tops the morning meal .A good woman makes a house a home and makes life a true joy to live.Nuff bragging on the state of my existance Y'all have a great day and GoD BLESS YOU ALL IN ALL YOUR ENDEVERS.
It is a good morning indeed....Lots of babies to go into the I can get on with my day.. whew....Lot of tension during lockdown... Final score 19 babies to say good morning to!!

Good morning chicken chummies in cyberspace.... Hope you all had a great night. I hope someone out there in the great cybercoop got an extra wink for ol geebs here...Might be I have coffee and go back to bed!!!
Good Morning with coffee in hand WE woke up to RAIN this morning and that is a very good thing
as we do not get enough rain here in California... so got the Fire place on, Soup cooking in the slow
cooker and plan a doing some baking later... Oh and gotta do LAUNDRY... I HATE DOING LAUNDRY!!!
Went down to the coop this morning and NO EGGS, usually get 4 in the early a.m and another 3eggs
by bout 11:00 I am assuming the rain has the girls a little off this morning!
Froze my hands off this morning taking care of the girls and the roo. Couldn't find my gloves!

Oh well, they enjoyed the chopped up banana skins and I enjoyed their eggs for breakfast. I will be ready to start selling eggs this week
- finally got my signs finished. They only took me 2 months!

Can't help but think of those poor people in Haiti. What a disaster. Just proves to me once again that we really should be prepared for these things.
Enjoy your coffee everyone.
good morning everyone, i woke up to a house that was 50 degrees. I wish someone would put a heat lamp on me.... im cold... LOL

hey newchickmom09, where in southern az are you (i bet i asked you before)
Good morning, everyone!

I was at the coop before daybreak, so I'm done, finished, and relaxing.
We're in a heat wave here today....38 degrees!!!

Hope everyone has a beautiful day. Get warm, stay warm, and be loved!
Good morning all! I am looking forward to going out today...34F! Yeah...maybe some of the ice will melt around my pump. Gotta replace that hose washer! Maybe some of the girls will actually go outside this morning instead of hanging out under the roost. The ducks and geese will be happy when stuff starts to thaw this week--they turn everything into mud in a hurry! Have a great day! Terri O in WI
Sending warm thoughs to you all in the frigid part of the country...Here in oregon... Should be in the 50's today... My horse is shedding and there are buds on the trees... Good new my coffee drinking chickmates... Spring is on it's way.. Hang in there...

Pour another warm cup and enjoy the warm joo joo

Good morning chicken wranglers
Good weather in the forcast here 30's & 40's. Cant wait to get out in the snow this week end snow men and snow balls.Ambush in the planning for my 10 year old.

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