Coffee's ready...

Good morning everyone! Aaah, fresh coffee. Mmm!

I'm using a "mental health" day today. Work is very stressful right now. I want to ask off for a few days, but I have to report for jury duty on Tuesday for the Middle District of PA. I don't want to ask for some time off and then not be able to use it because I have jury duty. I feel like my life's in a limbo right now! But anyway, I don't remember the last time I called off, and I really need it!

Scoop, I didn't know you butchered your own chickens. I am interested in doing it, but I haven't yet. I love eating chicken, but I lost my appetite since owning chickens. The styrafoam tray and plastic bag store chicken grosses me out! I haven't had much chicken in a year. If you ever do it again, let me know! I'd like to help out.

The chicks are doing great! I did lose two of the EE. I noticed they weren't developing at all, and they were both runts. I'm not quite sure what was going on there. I had plenty of food and water available near them but they just weren't interested. However, the rest are doing great! They are thriving, and running around. I did get 4 Wyandottes last night:oops:. One is a blue laced red wyandotte, two have black lacing and one is buff with white lacing. So, time to get the coop in shape!

The pigs went for $74 each!!! I couldn't believe it! The little white goat went for $92, and the other goat went for $65. The polish chicks I bought were $2 each and I was really glad there were only 3 in the box. The cochin chicks I paid $5.50 for, and there were 2 in the box. If there would've been more I would not have paid that much for them. I think they're mixed with Silkie because they are extremely soft and are starting to get crests. I'll try to get pics today and post them here. I do know that I can't keep any of the chicks in the bator, except maybe a few? I have buttercup and wyandotte eggs in there, and spangled hamburg. I hope this hatch'll do well!

Have a great day!!!
good morning chicken wranglers
I had to settle for foldgersd today. I'll make do. I finally got the garden tilled. Well I got the disc run through it, still have to run the harrow. Then plant. It has just been to wet until this week to get the potatos out,but hopfully tonight it will get done.
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Good evening all.I
missed the morning coffee meet. really had to take advantage of the
beautiful weather changing over coops and hens.
Karl ....I hear you.. Fish..." hook and cook "
but I can not butcher, and yet I did growing up. from chix to ducks to geese.
and turkeys.

Maybe it because they run
to me, and not away from me.
Good evening, Chicken Wranglers (to quote Karl),

I just put 77 eggs into lockdown - it's the 18th day. And I have four shells cracked, and one is zipping! I just peeked at it again, and she
has unzipped the whole top - she (wishfully thinking) is almost out! I'm glad I didn't wait until tomorrow morning to transfer them from the turner to their egg carton hatchers. I've never had a chick come so early. They are usually a few hours late, and even a day or two. Well, the more I hatch, the more I learn.

Well, tomorrow, may your day be wonderful, the coffee hot and tasty!
Too Funny!
I have 3 pet rabbits now and was thinking of litter training them. Though I know me, and it will not happen.
I haven't been on line here for a while, Hope everyone is well and happy.
I'm still house hunting, hopefully something will come up soon.
good morning chicken wranglers
God made a glorious day and crowned it in sunshine. The potatos are in. Three 60' long rows each eye 15" apart. I hope they grow and prosper as well as the zuchinin i planted last year,I am anxious about good tomatoes this year .Last year it did not get hot enough for them to ripen' and when they finally came in it was all at once. Hope this is a better year for those. You all enjoy the wonderful weather "if you are having it" God bless! Holly O nice to see you here again.
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Morning all! Well, I go back to work today. Can't wait. Sissy, that's neat that you butchered growing up! Maybe you did it so much then that it's just gotten to ya now. I know every time I do it, it grosses me out more. Not the whole butchering process, just the first step. I mean, you're taking an animal's life. Sometimes I think I'm gonna lose my lunch!
Well, maybe I'll have to take up Laura on her offer...
Laura, I'm amazed those goats went for so much!!!
That little one was so precious, tho! Oh my goodness, my DD would have loved that perty little girl to death! And the piggies went for a lot, too! Wow! You must have lost count of how many breeds you have by now! Sad to hear you lost a couple of EE's. I just remembered that their is an Amish auction this weekend. The preview is tomorrow. I may check it out if the weather is nice. Well, have a nice day everyone and walk on the sunny side of the street!
Good morning! They're calling for rain here today, but doesn't matter too much to me because I'm getting ready for work. Coffee's being made, bagel's in the toaster, and two eggs are boiling in the pot. Gotta have my daily eggs!

Scoop, where is the Amish auction - like I should really ask...
Anyway, I do have a bunch of roosters that we're planning on eating when they're old enough. I heard that EE roos are pretty good. I just can't have that many chickens, let along roosters! I have some RIR and "miscellaneous" roos that we're planning on freezing also. But, the hard part lies in front of us. I've never butchered before.

Speaking of roosters, the older boys (that we plan on keeping) are outside training like it's choir camp! I think they sound really cool, and our neighbors haven't complained (recently).

Have a great day everyone! I have to run!
Good morning all!! Have not been on in awhile, busy working and all. It has been raining for about 3 r 4 days now
ready for some sunshine so are the birds tired of being pened up. But it is friday and that is a very good day.
Good morning! Today I'm drinking flavored coffee - Chocolate Almond Swiss or something like that. We rarely drink flavored, but had some up in the cabinet that I want to use up. Besides, I'm almost out of the regular coffee. We usually drink Chase & Sanborn or Maxwell House. Mmm! I think I'll have to stop at the grocery store for some regular stuff today, this flavored stuff just isn't really cutting it. Actually, the only flavored coffee that we love is Peppermint flavored. They sold it two Christmas' ago at Walmart, but this year we couldn't find it anywhere. We were really disappointed, but "settled" for Peppermint creamer.

It's a dreary day here in PA, I think the high is supposed to be 48 degrees. Not much I can do about that. I really need to get going on my coop expansion. There's a lot of junky stuff that needs to be cleared out. Tomorrow night is trash night, so this weekend'll be good to get it done.

We are probably going to go to our usual hang out at the auction tonight. DH is not himself, though. His father passed away yesterday. I wasn't particularly close to him, but it's still upsetting. The service is on Wednesday. I'm sure my job loves me right now. I'm supposed to report for jury duty on Tuesday and the viewing is on Wednesday - and I am allowed a few days off for bereavement. I just have to call the courthouse on Monday to find out about jury duty on Wednesday.

Well, have a great day all!

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