Color Genes Punnett Squares

Mille fleur are wild type or brown or wheaten, sex linked gold, columbian restricted and mottled. They may carry mahogany or dark brown also.


WOW that's a mouthful! Thanks a lot for that. I'm sending you a PM.
Mille Fleur

eb Co db+ pg+ ml+ Cha+ mh+ di+ Ig+ cb+ i+ bl+ Lav+ C+ mo b+ s+ Choc+

I don't know what most of these stand for yet
But, Uppercase stand for Dom genes and lower case Rec genes..... I think

Here's a site


Genetic terms:
Genotype: The genetic makeup of the organism
Phenotype: The physical appearance of the organism
Sexual Dimorphism: “Sexual dimorphism” includes differing colour/pattern forms between the two sexes of a species, i.e. not restricted to physical body traits. The gender colour/pattern differences in the wild type – Red Jungle Fowl (black breasted red roosters, salmon breasted hens, etc) are two alternate colour/pattern forms, the particular form expressed dependent on gender.
P1 Parent 1 (in first cross)
F1 F2...... First Filial, Second Filial (1st Generation, etc)
BC1.... etc: Back Cross 1 (cross F1 back to Parent, etc)
Gene A unit of hereditary , a section of DNA found on a chromosome that codes for a particular protein
Locus (Loci - plural) The location of an Allele on the Chromosome
Allele One of two alternate forms of a gene that has the same locus on homologous chromosomes
Chromosome A threadlike body in the cell nucleus that carries the genes in a linear order
Homozygous Where alleles of a locus on homologous chromosomes are the same
Heterozygous Where alleles of a locus on homologous chromosomes are different
Hemizygous A genetic locus present in one copy only. Of females, in reference to the only one allele at each locus on the single Z chromosome (only one allele possible, as only one Z chromosome in females, therefore not heterozygous or homozygous as no chromosome pair).
Linkage Map Unit, (centiMorgan) 1 map unit, or 1 centiMorgan (cM) is equal to 1% recombination
Inheritance Mode Types:
Dominant: Of genes; producing the same phenotype whether its allele is identical or dissimilar
Recessive: Of genes; producing its characteristic phenotype only when its allele is identical
Incompletely dominant/recessive: When heterozygous, giving an intermediate phenotype
Co-dominant: When heterozygous, expressing both alleles
Sex-linked dominant/recessive: Of genes; on the Z chromosome
Linkages: Where loci do not segregate independently
Sex-Limited: Where both genders carrying the gene, but gene expression is with one gender only (eg, egg-shell colour can only be expressed in hens)
Sex-Influenced: Where a gene may appear dominant with one gender, recessive in another, ie gene expression is different between genders when alleles heterozygous
Autosomal: Any chromosome that is not a sex chromosome; appear in pairs in body cells
Pleiotrophy: Multiple traits expressed by a single gene
Polygenic trait: Multiple genes giving accumulative effect on trait expression
Epistasis Gene expression affected by a gene from another locus
Hypostasis: The converse of epistasis, applied to the gene pair hidden by the epistatic gene pair
Penetrance: The proportion of individuals of a specified genotype that express the expected phenotype
Expressivity: The range of phenotypes expressed by a given genotype
Homologous Chromosomes: Corresponding or similar in position
Multiple Alleles : Where more than one mutation has occurred on a specific locus
Diploid: An organism or cell having two sets of chromosomes
Pheomelanin: Pigments that account for wild type red colour
Eumelanin: Pigments that account for wild type black colour

And here is a table of colors
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I'm seriously having flashbacks to my genetics class in college...

This is wonderful, and when I'm not so tired of plucking chickens and turkeys, I'm going to study it more.

Thank you... this is gonna be fun!
OMG, Angie! This is gonna be great. I have one on turken genetics (bowtie, Naked and feathered neck)

I'll have to show this to Andrea, our college daughter.....she really gets into genetics stuff.
I think I may have to go take a genetics class just for fun. My next question is how does all of that mix up if you put a black orp roo over it. I simply don't have time today and won't be home for two weeks, but I've bookmarked that site now for further study. Thanks for the links and for the info!
If not for Julie... I wouldn't even know what it was!
I vaguely remember these from science class. :| But it sure is worth trying to understand
I will definitely be tackling this genetics thing with all I can muster

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