Comb development to first egg!

@Hellomylittleladies @Draya

Our madame Quaxley (lavender araucana) is still not laying at (almost) 28 weeks- but I have noticed she is not coming out of the coop in the mornings when the other hens do. She’s sort of sitting half in the nesting box and half out for quite a while. Im
Not sure if she’s interested in laying or she just hasn’t realised it’s morning and time to go out, or if she’s sleeping in 😆 she’s very chatty too.

She does pick up the hay a little with her beak but it could be she’s hungry … i can’t tell if it’s that or she’s arranging the nest.

I haven’t found any hidden eggs around the coop / garden and I have had a good look.

Maybe have to wait until much later for blue eggs… I know yours wasn’t laying @Hellomylittleladies at 32 weeks - how is she now?
My lavender is still hanging around eggless 🤣
My blue EE gets very chatty a couple of hours before she lays (not the egg song, just chatty) and quietens back now straight after. Sounds like you'll get your blue egg very soon!
My SDL barnevelder finally started laying, and unlike my blue girl, she lays in the nesting box - she seems to be the only one of the 3 who knows how to chicken!
@Hellomylittleladies @Draya

No blue eggs here yet! Any luck with your hens? Our Araucana and our black cooper marans are 29 1/2 weeks now. The araucana is squatting still - I thought she would be laying by now. Daylight hours are increasing here and I read that helps!

Our 29 1/2 Sussex and polish are laying regularly now.

I am also waiting on my olive egger and my other araucana but they are younger.
Mine's 33 weeks old now (miscounted before). Pelvic bones and vent check a few days ago show she's close, and she was practising her egg song over the weekend.. but no egg yet!

Here's comparing her comb with her sister who's been laying for about a month.

I think they have the same red colour comb!

Surely has to be any day now if she’s 33 weeks! I can’t wait to see them :)

I noticed our black copper marans squat today and she was not last week.. and her comb is very red too- I also think she ate an egg today from another hen who laid it on the floor of the coop! I think we need to get some shell grit she may be lacking some calcium!
@Hellomylittleladies @Sarzetta
2 of my 20 weekers (leghorn and australorp) are laying a few times a week, small eggs. My 11 month old golden comets are laying machines. They each lay an extra large egg every day. I just checked my app and they did not miss a single day the month of June or the month of July. I am still waiting on my other girls, but everybody looks ready and squats so it should be soon.
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@Hellomylittleladies @Sarzetta
2 of my 20 weekers (leghorn and australorp) are laying a few times a week, small eggs. My 11 month old golden comets are laying machines. They each lay an extra large egg every day. I just checked my app and they did not miss a single day the month of June or the month of July. I am still waiting on my other girls, but everybody looks ready and squats so it should be soon.
I don't think we have Golden Comets here in Aus. Are they considered production breeds too? I googled and they seem to be different from ISA Browns, which we have.

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