
Beth, thanks again for the eggs that lead to Agatha and Dahlia. They are such sweeties. And boy are they big. I haven't weighed them, but they really have to be in the 8-10 lb range. I've used my kitchen scale for weighing bantams, but I don't have a solution for the big girls. What do you all use?
Dahlia congrats on your first egg!
Was so proud of my girls' firsts.

Edit: nice snowy morning today!
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Your very welcome. If she goes broody again feel free to come visit

My husband steps on the scale, weighs himself, then holds the bird and weighs them together to figure out weight. It would not surprise me at all if they exceed 10 lbs!! Their Parent stock was big. But, sometimes that plumage can through you off

Beth, thanks again for the eggs that lead to Agatha and Dahlia. They are such sweeties. And boy are they big. I haven't weighed them, but they really have to be in the 8-10 lb range. I've used my kitchen scale for weighing bantams, but I don't have a solution for the big girls. What do you all use?
Hey all, 2 questions -first, how quickly will eggs freeze in a coop with temps in the 20's (I can't always get out there to get them right away)? And I ran out of the safflower I usually give the girls for treats-can chickens eat wild bird seed? I would think so but thought I'd check before I give them a treat and find out it backfires!
Do you have any Black Oil Sunflower seed that is fine and they love it I have never offered wild bird seed to my chickens so I don't know if it is ok or not. Do you have frozen mixed vegetables if you microwave them and let them cool they love that or a can of sweet corn also a big hit.

Hey all, 2 questions -first, how quickly will eggs freeze in a coop with temps in the 20's (I can't always get out there to get them right away)? And I ran out of the safflower I usually give the girls for treats-can chickens eat wild bird seed? I would think so but thought I'd check before I give them a treat and find out it backfires!
Oatmeal with flax seed and blueberries and strawberry tops here on cold mornings and before sundown they get a handful of scratch grain with Black oil sunflower seeds, you should hear the noise when I am handing this out by far their favorite.

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