Coop Cam

I have cameras in and around the coop - wireless in house monitors and an IP camera. The IR doesn't bother them, but they can tell when I turn on a monitor and glare at me :lau

That is why I asked. You are right @sunflour, they must know because they do GLARE. and it's not a nice glare it's a WHAT THE FREAK YOU WANT glare. I mean it hasn't deterred me from staring
I usually leave my infrared off on my coop cam, but yes, they do GLARE - LOL when I take a peak:D

Run cam I do turn to nightvision - usually nothing interesting, but 1 time their was a possum climbing the hardware cloth:hmm Haha! I ran out knocked him off with a broom, but he scurried under the wood pile before I could do him in :( Got him the next night though. I know that's not what everyone does, but climb my walls, you've crossed the line buddy:cool:

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