coop for the meantime

They could be, but not in the summer time.

The worst cold/wet situation is usually right around the freezing point, and Virginia does get that cold at some points during the winter.

If the temperatures gets very far below freezing, you get snow and ice rather than "wet," and it's not quite so bad.
Yeah, I guess you're right, the same way that snow can get you less cold than rain if you are walking in it. I was just thinking for the summer coop, but it is great you pointed that out so as not to confuse.
oh yes, Va DOES INDEED get below freezing in the winter. Today it's raining and 64, this morning it was sunny and 79. ah. I see about the wet vs the very cold.
What is cold to chickens?

Chickens readily tolerate dry cold down to 0F and below.

They're wearing built-in down parkas so heat rather than cold is the problem.
i'll try to see if I can fix something like it. it has to be water proof though

Mine lived in there all summer with the metal roof scrap on top and the tarp over the windward part of the walls. They were perfectly dry and comfortable. :)

They'd have been happier in a larger structure, but I had an immense run and they had their needs met over the short term.

If you don't have a big dog crate you could cobble a structure out of pallets and cover it with tarps to keep the weather out. The thing with a coop like that is to have it inside a secure run. :)

I thought of that, I might as well buy a coop, vinyl sheds cheapest are at sam's club and it's $500. Then I'd have to cut holes in it and I don't know how.

This is one guy's adaptation of a plastic shed into a coop:
so help me think? I'm getting 5 full size red sex link chkns. I get a sheet of plywood, 4x8. I put 4 posts under it as legs. I get 2 more sheets and maybe have wherever I buy them to cut them down for the sides. I figure out how to put the sides up. Cut square holes for windows, 2, for cross ventilation. Put heavy wire over them. Face it out of the wind. [hopefully], somehow figure out how to put a door in. put in 1 box of whatever in for now for them to lay in. get some straw at tractor supply, throw it in. get a feeding tray, a water jug at tractor supply, cause I think that's the only place that has this stuff. get some feed, put up a couple of 2x4's for roosts, but how?
oh, I need another sheet of plywood for roof at a slant. God help me, I don't think I can do it.
I'm assuming that the wire pen is something with 4 sides, a gate/door, and a top, all made out of stiff metal, approx 2x4" spacing? Panels holding it together?? If so, then yes, you could use hardware cloth to predator proof it. They either make covers for those pens, or failing that, just get a tarp to cover the top and 1 side, and bungee cords to attach the tarp, at least for now. That provides a wind break and rain protection! Another tarp for 1-2 other sides, no need to go overboard. If you have access to 2 plastic saw horses, you can bungee 1-2, 2x4's to them, to use as roosts. That's as simple as it could get! (at least as far as I can think of).
My mobile roost:


2 concrete blocks and a chunk of scrap board.
I used a branch and 2 stumps for a second roost. Gotta get creative!
I used a branch and 2 stumps for a second roost. Gotta get creative!
LOVE IT! I can do this. I have a roll of reflextive stuff, back when gas wasn't so $$$ and the RV could use it. I have LOTS of trees to cut down. Do chickens need flat areas to roost or do they curl their feet around? I've seen vids on both and don't know which is right.
And I totally forgot about my makeshift quarantine coop. It was an old deck box - lol! Big enough for 3 hens.

You have a lot on your plate. Do what's easiest and safe as possible for now. You'll be able to focus on improvements when things have settled down.
I DO have a lot on my plate. I can do the deck box too. I usually can think outside the box, but I haven't been able to on this bc I've been SO stressed about it.

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