Coop plans for a super-beginner?


In the Brooder
8 Years
May 22, 2011
Hello all. I've got 4 little chicks who will be needing a coop before too long. I've been watching the Craigslist ads (nothing yet) and also researching building the coop myself. Just when I get too intimidated a friend reassures me that I can totally do it myself. I've spent hours looking at coops on here, watching YouTube videos and Googling about coop building but I'm having trouble finding what I'm looking for. Here's what I'm after.

Enclosed run and coop in one design.
Enough space for 6 chickens.
Super easy (it would be great if it could be done in a weekend.)
Cheap. I'm happy to scavenge materials, though I recognize this could make it more difficult.

Can anyone point me the direction of a collection of plans that would meet these requirements?
The Coops section and "coops and runs" forum are a good place to begin (if not a little daunting due to the masses of info there).

Whatever you decide, the following MINIMUM space requirements should help to guide your planning:

Inside coop - 4sq ft per bird
Run - 10 sq ft per bird
Roost - 1 ft per bird

The more space your flock has, the less stress and problems there will be. I'd also suggest taking into account the inevitable chicken maths problem that plagues us all.

Best of luck

Oh no, 10 sq feet per bird run? We are getting ready to get our coop and I don't know if we have enough space for that... I think we are going to get an interim coop while Chickydaddy builds an extension off the garage. The gals are still only 6 weeks so not large yet...
That's fine - don't stress - they are still small so these space recommendations are not so important right now.
I'm in the same boat...a super-beginner!

My husband and I have gone back and forth and back again trying to figure out what type of coop to build somewhat inexpensively. THIS is our weekend to decide and buy materials, though.

I did harness an old trampoline from Craigslist free and am going to try and turn that into a run/tractor inexpensively (see Pinterest). As for a coop, I'm either thinking a simple box or possibly an A-frame, which seems easier to build, for now.
If you can get hold of a used wooden shed it would be a great option IMO.

Good luck whatever your decisions.

If you have basic carpentry skills you can build a coop relatively cheap compared to what you will buy one for. I built a 6x8 with 7 foot walls (8 foot at roof peak). I bought all new materials at Lowes (minus the roof metal and windows-both gifted to me). My total bill for the coop was just under $300 ($290 something). I used treated lumber for the joist and the floor decking. I also lucked out and found the smart side siding on sale that weekend. I built my own rafters so the majority of the coop was a bunch of pine 2x4's which are under $2.00 each.

This is so inspiring. My main concern is that I have so little building experience. I mean, I'm pretty good at following instructions, I've got a handy little scroller saw, a drill and a hammer, but I'm worried about spending money on supplies and finding out that I'm in over my head. Or that the instructions I'm following assume some level of experience that I don't have.

My friends are all telling me there's nothing to it. I can do it. But I think the thing that would reassure me is a really great coop plan.

Is there a list of tried-and-true, you-can-do-this chicken coop plans somewhere?
You can always poke around in the coop pages. Some people took the time to break it down step by step in how they built theirs. I know I did and I did just update mine, which is kind of a modified A frame tractor.

Probably if I did mine again, I probably would use more 2x2's or other smaller lumber just to save on weight. It is kinda heavy to drag. I can move it by myself, but only so far.
Thanks for this. Going to check your page now. I've been combing through those pages for days, now, but it's hard for me (with so little experience) to determine what's within my capabilities. I'm just hoping that if I read through the instructions and can imagine it, I can build it.

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